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package app
import (
var (
ErrConfig = errors.New("no configuration to seal")
ErrUser = errors.New("invalid aid")
ErrHome = errors.New("invalid home directory")
ErrName = errors.New("invalid username")
var posixUsername = regexp.MustCompilePOSIX("^[a-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_-]{0,31}|[A-Za-z0-9_-]{0,30}\\$)$")
// appSeal stores copies of various parts of [fst.Config]
type appSeal struct {
// string representation of [fst.ID]
id string
// dump dbus proxy message buffer
dbusMsg func()
// reverse-DNS style arbitrary identifier string from config;
// passed to wayland security-context-v1 as application ID
// and used as part of defaults in dbus session proxy
appID string
// final argv, passed to init
command []string
// state instance initialised during seal; used during process lifecycle events
store state.Store
// whether [system.I] was committed; used during process lifecycle events
needRevert bool
// whether state was inserted into [state.Store]; used during process lifecycle events
stateInStore bool
// process-specific share directory path ([os.TempDir])
share string
// process-specific share directory path ([fst.Paths] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR)
shareLocal string
// initial [fst.Config] gob stream for state data;
// this is prepared ahead of time as config is mutated during seal creation
ct io.WriterTo
// passed through from [fst.SandboxConfig];
// when this gets set no attempt is made to attach security-context-v1
// and the bare socket is mounted to the sandbox
directWayland bool
// mount tmpfs over these paths, runs right before extraPerms
override []string
// extra [acl.Update] ops, appended at the end of [system.I]
extraPerms []*sealedExtraPerm
// post fsu state
user appUser
// inner XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, default formatting via user
innerRuntimeDir string
// mapped uid and gid in user namespace
mapuid *stringPair[int]
sys *system.I
container *bwrap.Config
bwrapSync *os.File
// prevents sharing from happening twice
shared bool
// protected by upstream mutex
// appUser stores post-fsu credentials and metadata
type appUser struct {
// application id
aid *stringPair[int]
// target uid resolved by fid:aid
uid *stringPair[int]
// supplementary group ids
supp []string
// home directory host path
data string
// app user home directory
home string
// passwd database username
username string
type sealedExtraPerm struct {
name string
perms acl.Perms
ensure bool
// Seal seals the app launch context
func (a *app) Seal(config *fst.Config) error {
if a.appSeal != nil {
panic("app sealed twice")
if config == nil {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrConfig,
"attempted to seal app with nil config")
// create seal
seal := new(appSeal)
// encode initial configuration for state tracking
ct := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := gob.NewEncoder(ct).Encode(config); err != nil {
return fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(err,
"cannot encode initial config:")
seal.ct = ct
// fetch system constants
seal.Paths = a.sys.Paths()
// pass through config values =
seal.appID = config.ID
seal.command = config.Command
// mapped uid defaults to 65534 to work around file ownership checks due to a bwrap limitation
mapuid := 65534
if config.Confinement.Sandbox != nil && config.Confinement.Sandbox.MapRealUID {
// some programs fail to connect to dbus session running as a different uid, so a
// separate workaround is introduced to map priv-side caller uid in namespace
mapuid = a.sys.Geteuid()
seal.mapuid = newInt(mapuid)
seal.innerRuntimeDir = path.Join("/run/user", seal.mapuid.String())
// validate uid and set user info
if config.Confinement.AppID < 0 || config.Confinement.AppID > 9999 {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrUser,
fmt.Sprintf("aid %d out of range", config.Confinement.AppID))
seal.user = appUser{
aid: newInt(config.Confinement.AppID),
data: config.Confinement.Outer,
home: config.Confinement.Inner,
username: config.Confinement.Username,
if seal.user.username == "" {
seal.user.username = "chronos"
} else if !posixUsername.MatchString(seal.user.username) ||
len(seal.user.username) >= internal.Sysconf_SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX() {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrName,
fmt.Sprintf("invalid user name %q", seal.user.username))
if == "" || !path.IsAbs( {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrHome,
fmt.Sprintf("invalid home directory %q",
if seal.user.home == "" {
seal.user.home =
// invoke fsu for full uid
if u, err := a.sys.Uid(seal.user.aid.unwrap()); err != nil {
return err
} else {
seal.user.uid = newInt(u)
// resolve supplementary group ids from names
seal.user.supp = make([]string, len(config.Confinement.Groups))
for i, name := range config.Confinement.Groups {
if g, err := a.sys.LookupGroup(name); err != nil {
return fmsg.WrapError(err,
fmt.Sprintf("unknown group %q", name))
} else {
seal.user.supp[i] = g.Gid
// build extra perms
seal.extraPerms = make([]*sealedExtraPerm, len(config.Confinement.ExtraPerms))
for i, p := range config.Confinement.ExtraPerms {
if p == nil {
seal.extraPerms[i] = new(sealedExtraPerm)
seal.extraPerms[i].name = p.Path
seal.extraPerms[i].perms = make(acl.Perms, 0, 3)
if p.Read {
seal.extraPerms[i].perms = append(seal.extraPerms[i].perms, acl.Read)
if p.Write {
seal.extraPerms[i].perms = append(seal.extraPerms[i].perms, acl.Write)
if p.Execute {
seal.extraPerms[i].perms = append(seal.extraPerms[i].perms, acl.Execute)
seal.extraPerms[i].ensure = p.Ensure
// map sandbox config to bwrap
if config.Confinement.Sandbox == nil {
fmsg.Verbose("sandbox configuration not supplied, PROCEED WITH CAUTION")
// permissive defaults
conf := &fst.SandboxConfig{
UserNS: true,
Net: true,
Syscall: new(bwrap.SyscallPolicy),
NoNewSession: true,
AutoEtc: true,
// bind entries in /
if d, err := a.sys.ReadDir("/"); err != nil {
return err
} else {
b := make([]*fst.FilesystemConfig, 0, len(d))
for _, ent := range d {
p := "/" + ent.Name()
switch p {
case "/proc":
case "/dev":
case "/tmp":
case "/mnt":
case "/etc":
b = append(b, &fst.FilesystemConfig{Src: p, Write: true, Must: true})
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, b...)
// hide nscd from sandbox if present
nscd := "/var/run/nscd"
if _, err := a.sys.Stat(nscd); !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
conf.Override = append(conf.Override, nscd)
// bind GPU stuff
if config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(system.EX11) || config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(system.EWayland) {
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, &fst.FilesystemConfig{Src: "/dev/dri", Device: true})
// opportunistically bind kvm
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, &fst.FilesystemConfig{Src: "/dev/kvm", Device: true})
config.Confinement.Sandbox = conf
seal.directWayland = config.Confinement.Sandbox.DirectWayland
if b, err := config.Confinement.Sandbox.Bwrap(a.sys); err != nil {
return err
} else {
seal.container = b
seal.override = config.Confinement.Sandbox.Override
if seal.container.SetEnv == nil {
seal.container.SetEnv = make(map[string]string)
// open process state store
// the simple store only starts holding an open file after first action
// store activity begins after Start is called and must end before Wait = state.NewMulti(seal.RunDirPath)
// initialise system interface with os uid
seal.sys = system.New(seal.user.uid.unwrap())
seal.sys.IsVerbose = fmsg.Load
seal.sys.Verbose = fmsg.Verbose
seal.sys.Verbosef = fmsg.Verbosef
seal.sys.WrapErr = fmsg.WrapError
// pass through enablements
seal.Enablements = config.Confinement.Enablements
// this method calls all share methods in sequence
if err := seal.setupShares([2]*dbus.Config{config.Confinement.SessionBus, config.Confinement.SystemBus}, a.sys); err != nil {
return err
// verbose log seal information
fmsg.Verbosef("created application seal for uid %s (%s) groups: %v, command: %s",
seal.user.uid, seal.user.username, config.Confinement.Groups, config.Command)
// seal app and release lock
a.appSeal = seal
return nil