command: implement builder and parser
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7 changed files with 595 additions and 0 deletions

command/builder.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package command
import (
// New initialises a root Node.
func New(output io.Writer, logf LogFunc, name string) Command {
return rootNode{newNode(output, logf, name, "")}
func newNode(output io.Writer, logf LogFunc, name, usage string) *node {
n := &node{
name: name, usage: usage,
out: output, logf: logf,
set: flag.NewFlagSet(name, flag.ContinueOnError),
n.set.Usage = func() {
_ = n.writeHelp()
if n.suffix.Len() > 0 {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(output, "Flags:")
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(output)
return n
func (n *node) Command(name, usage string, f HandlerFunc) Node {
if f == nil {
panic("invalid handler")
if name == "" || usage == "" {
panic("invalid subcommand")
s := newNode(n.out, n.logf, name, usage)
s.f = f
if !n.adopt(s) {
panic("attempted to initialise subcommand with non-unique name")
return n
func (n *node) New(name, usage string) Node {
if name == "" || usage == "" {
panic("invalid subcommand tree")
s := newNode(n.out, n.logf, name, usage)
if !n.adopt(s) {
panic("attempted to initialise subcommand tree with non-unique name")
return s

command/builder_test.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package command_test
import (
func TestBuild(t *testing.T) {
c := command.New(nil, nil, "test")
stubHandler := func([]string) error { panic("unreachable") }
t.Run("nil direct handler", func(t *testing.T) {
defer checkRecover(t, "Command", "invalid handler")
c.Command("name", "usage", nil)
t.Run("direct zero length", func(t *testing.T) {
wantPanic := "invalid subcommand"
t.Run("zero length name", func(t *testing.T) { defer checkRecover(t, "Command", wantPanic); c.Command("", "usage", stubHandler) })
t.Run("zero length usage", func(t *testing.T) { defer checkRecover(t, "Command", wantPanic); c.Command("name", "", stubHandler) })
t.Run("direct adopt unique names", func(t *testing.T) {
c.Command("d0", "usage", stubHandler)
c.Command("d1", "usage", stubHandler)
t.Run("direct adopt non-unique name", func(t *testing.T) {
defer checkRecover(t, "Command", "attempted to initialise subcommand with non-unique name")
c.Command("d0", "usage", stubHandler)
t.Run("zero length", func(t *testing.T) {
wantPanic := "invalid subcommand tree"
t.Run("zero length name", func(t *testing.T) { defer checkRecover(t, "New", wantPanic); c.New("", "usage") })
t.Run("zero length usage", func(t *testing.T) { defer checkRecover(t, "New", wantPanic); c.New("name", "") })
t.Run("direct adopt unique names", func(t *testing.T) {
c.New("t0", "usage")
c.New("t1", "usage")
t.Run("direct adopt non-unique name", func(t *testing.T) {
defer checkRecover(t, "Command", "attempted to initialise subcommand tree with non-unique name")
c.New("t0", "usage")
func checkRecover(t *testing.T, name, wantPanic string) {
if r := recover(); r != wantPanic {
t.Errorf("%s: panic = %v; wantPanic %v",
name, r, wantPanic)

command/flag.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package command
import (
// FlagError wraps errors returned by [flag].
type FlagError struct{ error }
func (e FlagError) Success() bool { return errors.Is(e.error, flag.ErrHelp) }
func (e FlagError) Is(target error) bool {
return (e.error == nil && target == nil) ||
((e.error != nil && target != nil) && e.error.Error() == target.Error())
func (n *node) Flag(p any, name string, value FlagDefiner, usage string) Node {
value.Define(&n.suffix, n.set, p, name, usage)
return n
// StringFlag is the default value of a string flag.
type StringFlag string
func (v StringFlag) Define(b *strings.Builder, set *flag.FlagSet, p any, name, usage string) {
set.StringVar(p.(*string), name, string(v), usage)
b.WriteString(" [" + prettyFlag(name) + " <value>]")
// BoolFlag is the default value of a bool flag.
type BoolFlag bool
func (v BoolFlag) Define(b *strings.Builder, set *flag.FlagSet, p any, name, usage string) {
set.BoolVar(p.(*bool), name, bool(v), usage)
b.WriteString(" [" + prettyFlag(name) + "]")
// this has no effect on parse outcome
func prettyFlag(name string) string {
switch len(name) {
case 0:
panic("zero length flag name")
case 1:
return "-" + name
return "--" + name

command/parse.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package command
import (
var (
ErrEmptyTree = errors.New("subcommand tree has no nodes")
ErrNoMatch = errors.New("did not match any subcommand")
func (n *node) Parse(arguments []string) error {
if n.usage == "" { // root node has zero length usage
if != nil {
panic("invalid toplevel state")
goto match
if len(arguments) == 0 {
// unreachable: zero length args cause upper level to return with a help message
panic("attempted to parse with zero length args")
if arguments[0] != {
if == nil {
n.printf("%q is not a valid command", arguments[0])
return ErrNoMatch
} = n.prefix
arguments = arguments[1:]
if n.child != nil {
if n.f != nil {
panic("invalid subcommand tree state")
// propagate help prefix early: flag set usage dereferences help
n.child.prefix = append(n.prefix,
if n.set.Parsed() {
panic("invalid set state")
if err := n.set.Parse(arguments); err != nil {
return FlagError{err}
args := n.set.Args()
if n.child != nil {
if len(args) == 0 {
return n.writeHelp()
return n.child.Parse(args)
if n.f == nil {
n.printf("%q has no subcommands",
return ErrEmptyTree
return n.f(args)
func (n *node) printf(format string, a ...any) {
if n.logf == nil {
log.Printf(format, a...)
} else {
n.logf(format, a...)

command/parse_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
package command_test
import (
func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
buildTree func(wout, wlog io.Writer) command.Command
args []string
want string
wantLog string
wantErr error
"d=0 empty sub",
func(wout, wlog io.Writer) command.Command { return command.New(wout, newLogFunc(wlog), "root") },
"", "test: \"root\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree,
"d=0 empty sub garbage",
func(wout, wlog io.Writer) command.Command { return command.New(wout, newLogFunc(wlog), "root") },
[]string{"a", "b", "c", "d"},
"", "test: \"root\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree,
"d=0 no match",
"", "test: \"nonexistent\" is not a valid command\n", command.ErrNoMatch,
"d=0 direct error",
"", "", errSuccess,
"d=0 direct error garbage",
[]string{"error", "0", "1", "2"},
"", "", errSuccess,
"d=0 direct success out of order",
"", "", nil,
"d=0 direct success output",
[]string{"print", "0", "1", "2"},
"012", "", nil,
"d=0 string flag",
[]string{"--val", "64d3b4b7b21788585845060e2199a78f", "flag"},
"64d3b4b7b21788585845060e2199a78f", "", nil,
"d=0 out of order string flag",
[]string{"flag", "--val", "64d3b4b7b21788585845060e2199a78f"},
"flag provided but not defined: -val\n\nUsage:\ttest flag [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS]\n\n", "",
errors.New("flag provided but not defined: -val"),
"d=1 empty sub",
"", "test: \"empty\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree,
"d=1 empty sub garbage",
[]string{"empty", "a", "b", "c", "d"},
"", "test: \"empty\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree,
"d=1 empty sub help",
[]string{"empty", "-h"},
"\nUsage:\ttest empty [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS]\n\n", "", flag.ErrHelp,
"d=1 no match",
[]string{"join", "23aa3bb0", "34986782", "d8859355", "cd9ac317", ", "},
"", "test: \"23aa3bb0\" is not a valid command\n", command.ErrNoMatch,
"d=1 direct success out",
[]string{"join", "out", "23aa3bb0", "34986782", "d8859355", "cd9ac317", ", "},
"23aa3bb0, 34986782, d8859355, cd9ac317", "", nil,
"d=1 direct success log",
[]string{"join", "log", "23aa3bb0", "34986782", "d8859355", "cd9ac317", ", "},
"", "test: 23aa3bb0, 34986782, d8859355, cd9ac317\n", nil,
"d=4 empty sub",
[]string{"deep", "d=2", "d=3", "d=4"},
"", "test: \"d=4\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree},
"d=0 help",
Usage: test [-h | --help] [-v] [--val <value>] COMMAND [OPTIONS]
error return an error
print wraps Fprint
flag print value passed by flag
empty empty subcommand
join wraps strings.Join
succeed this command succeeds
deep top level of command tree with various levels
`, "", command.ErrHelp,
"d=0 help flag",
Usage: test [-h | --help] [-v] [--val <value>] COMMAND [OPTIONS]
error return an error
print wraps Fprint
flag print value passed by flag
empty empty subcommand
join wraps strings.Join
succeed this command succeeds
deep top level of command tree with various levels
-v verbosity
-val string
store val for the "flag" command (default "default")
`, "", flag.ErrHelp,
"d=1 help",
Usage: test join [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS]
out write result to wout
log log result to wlog
`, "", command.ErrHelp,
"d=1 help flag",
[]string{"join", "-h"},
Usage: test join [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS]
out write result to wout
log log result to wlog
`, "", flag.ErrHelp,
"d=2 help",
[]string{"deep", "d=2"},
Usage: test deep d=2 [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS]
d=3 relative third level
`, "", command.ErrHelp,
"d=2 help flag",
[]string{"deep", "d=2", "-h"},
Usage: test deep d=2 [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS]
d=3 relative third level
`, "", flag.ErrHelp,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
wout, wlog := new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer)
c := tc.buildTree(wout, wlog)
if err := c.Parse(tc.args); !errors.Is(err, tc.wantErr) {
t.Errorf("Parse: error = %v; wantErr %v", err, tc.wantErr)
if got := wout.String(); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("Parse: %s want %s", got, tc.want)
if gotLog := wlog.String(); gotLog != tc.wantLog {
t.Errorf("Parse: log = %s wantLog %s", gotLog, tc.wantLog)
var (
errJoinLen = errors.New("not enough arguments to join")
errSuccess = errors.New("success")
func buildTestCommand(wout, wlog io.Writer) (c command.Command) {
var val string
logf := newLogFunc(wlog)
c = command.New(wout, logf, "test").
Flag(new(bool), "v", command.BoolFlag(false), "verbosity").
Command("error", "return an error", func([]string) error {
return errSuccess
Command("print", "wraps Fprint", func(args []string) error {
a := make([]any, len(args))
for i, v := range args {
a[i] = v
_, err := fmt.Fprint(wout, a...)
return err
Flag(&val, "val", command.StringFlag("default"), "store val for the \"flag\" command").
Command("flag", "print value passed by flag", func(args []string) error {
_, err := fmt.Fprint(wout, val)
return err
c.New("empty", "empty subcommand")
c.New("join", "wraps strings.Join").
Command("out", "write result to wout", func(args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return errJoinLen
_, err := fmt.Fprint(wout, strings.Join(args[:len(args)-1], args[len(args)-1]))
return err
Command("log", "log result to wlog", func(args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return errJoinLen
logf("%s", strings.Join(args[:len(args)-1], args[len(args)-1]))
return nil
c.Command("succeed", "this command succeeds", func([]string) error { return nil })
c.New("deep", "top level of command tree with various levels").
New("d=2", "relative second level").
New("d=3", "relative third level").
New("d=4", "relative fourth level")
func newLogFunc(w io.Writer) command.LogFunc { return log.New(w, "test: ", 0).Printf }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package command
import (
func TestParseUnreachable(t *testing.T) {
// top level bypasses name matching and recursive calls to Parse
// returns when encountering zero-length args
t.Run("zero-length args", func(t *testing.T) {
defer checkRecover(t, "Parse", "attempted to parse with zero length args")
_ = newNode(panicWriter{}, nil, " ", " ").Parse(nil)
// top level must not have siblings
t.Run("toplevel siblings", func(t *testing.T) {
defer checkRecover(t, "Parse", "invalid toplevel state")
n := newNode(panicWriter{}, nil, " ", "")
n.append(newNode(panicWriter{}, nil, " ", " "))
_ = n.Parse(nil)
// a node with descendents must not have a direct handler
t.Run("sub handle conflict", func(t *testing.T) {
defer checkRecover(t, "Parse", "invalid subcommand tree state")
n := newNode(panicWriter{}, nil, " ", "")
n.adopt(newNode(panicWriter{}, nil, " ", " "))
n.f = func([]string) error { panic("unreachable") }
_ = n.Parse(nil)
// this would only happen if a node was matched twice
t.Run("parsed flag set", func(t *testing.T) {
defer checkRecover(t, "Parse", "invalid set state")
n := newNode(panicWriter{}, nil, " ", "")
set := flag.NewFlagSet("parsed", flag.ContinueOnError)
_ = set.Parse(nil)
n.set = set
_ = n.Parse(nil)
type panicWriter struct{}
func (p panicWriter) Write([]byte) (int, error) { panic("unreachable") }
func checkRecover(t *testing.T, name, wantPanic string) {
if r := recover(); r != wantPanic {
t.Errorf("%s: panic = %v; wantPanic %v",
name, r, wantPanic)

command/wrap.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package command
// the top level node wants [Command] returned for its builder methods
type rootNode struct{ *node }
func (r rootNode) Command(name, usage string, f HandlerFunc) Command {
r.node.Command(name, usage, f)
return r
func (r rootNode) Flag(p any, name string, value FlagDefiner, usage string) Command {
r.node.Flag(p, name, value, usage)
return r