package main import ( "encoding/json" "flag" "os" "path" "strings" "" "" ) func actionInstall(args []string) { set := flag.NewFlagSet("install", flag.ExitOnError) var ( dropShellInstall bool dropShellActivate bool ) set.BoolVar(&dropShellInstall, "si", false, "Drop to a shell on installation") set.BoolVar(&dropShellActivate, "sa", false, "Drop to a shell on activation") // Ignore errors; set is set for ExitOnError. _ = set.Parse(args) args = set.Args() if len(args) != 1 { fmsg.Fatal("invalid argument") } pkgPath := args[0] if !path.IsAbs(pkgPath) { if dir, err := os.Getwd(); err != nil { fmsg.Fatalf("cannot get current directory: %v", err) } else { pkgPath = path.Join(dir, pkgPath) } } /* Look up paths to programs started by fpkg. This is done here to ease error handling as cleanup is not yet required. */ var ( _ = lookPath("zstd") tar = lookPath("tar") chmod = lookPath("chmod") rm = lookPath("rm") ) /* Extract package and set up for cleanup. */ var workDir string if p, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "fpkg.*"); err != nil { fmsg.Fatalf("cannot create temporary directory: %v", err) } else { workDir = p } cleanup := func() { // should be faster than a native implementation mustRun(chmod, "-R", "+w", workDir) mustRun(rm, "-rf", workDir) } beforeRunFail.Store(&cleanup) mustRun(tar, "-C", workDir, "-xf", pkgPath) /* Parse bundle and app metadata, do pre-install checks. */ bundle := loadBundleInfo(path.Join(workDir, "bundle.json"), cleanup) pathSet := pathSetByApp(bundle.ID) app := bundle if s, err := os.Stat(pathSet.metaPath); err != nil { if !os.IsNotExist(err) { cleanup() fmsg.Fatalf("cannot access %q: %v", pathSet.metaPath, err) panic("unreachable") } // did not modify app, clean installation condition met later } else if s.IsDir() { cleanup() fmsg.Fatalf("metadata path %q is not a file", pathSet.metaPath) panic("unreachable") } else { app = loadBundleInfo(pathSet.metaPath, cleanup) if app.ID != bundle.ID { cleanup() fmsg.Fatalf("app %q claims to have identifier %q", bundle.ID, app.ID) } // sec: should verify credentials } if app != bundle { // do not try to re-install if app.NixGL == bundle.NixGL && app.CurrentSystem == bundle.CurrentSystem && app.Launcher == bundle.Launcher && app.ActivationPackage == bundle.ActivationPackage { cleanup() fmsg.Printf("package %q is identical to local application %q", pkgPath, app.ID) fmsg.Exit(0) } // AppID determines uid if app.AppID != bundle.AppID { cleanup() fmsg.Fatalf("package %q app id %d differs from installed %d", pkgPath, bundle.AppID, app.AppID) panic("unreachable") } // sec: should compare version string fmsg.VPrintf("installing application %q version %q over local %q", bundle.ID, bundle.Version, app.Version) } else { fmsg.VPrintf("application %q clean installation", bundle.ID) // sec: should install credentials } /* Setup steps for files owned by the target user. */ withCacheDir("install", []string{ // export inner bundle path in the environment "export BUNDLE=" + fst.Tmp + "/bundle", // replace inner /etc "mkdir -p etc", "chmod -R +w etc", "rm -rf etc", "cp -dRf $BUNDLE/etc etc", // replace inner /nix "mkdir -p nix", "chmod -R +w nix", "rm -rf nix", "cp -dRf /nix nix", // copy from binary cache "nix copy --offline --no-check-sigs --all --from file://$BUNDLE/res --to $PWD", // make cache directory world-readable for autoetc "chmod 0755 .", }, workDir, bundle, pathSet, dropShellInstall, cleanup) /* Activate home-manager generation. */ withNixDaemon("activate", []string{ // clean up broken links "mkdir -p .local/state/{nix,home-manager}", "chmod -R +w .local/state/{nix,home-manager}", "rm -rf .local/state/{nix,home-manager}", // run activation script bundle.ActivationPackage + "/activate", }, false, bundle, pathSet, dropShellActivate, cleanup) /* Installation complete. Write metadata to block re-installs or downgrades. */ // serialise metadata to ensure consistency if f, err := os.OpenFile(pathSet.metaPath+"~", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644); err != nil { cleanup() fmsg.Fatalf("cannot create metadata file: %v", err) panic("unreachable") } else if err = json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(bundle); err != nil { cleanup() fmsg.Fatalf("cannot write metadata: %v", err) panic("unreachable") } else if err = f.Close(); err != nil { fmsg.Printf("cannot close metadata file: %v", err) // not fatal } if err := os.Rename(pathSet.metaPath+"~", pathSet.metaPath); err != nil { cleanup() fmsg.Fatalf("cannot rename metadata file: %v", err) panic("unreachable") } cleanup() } func withNixDaemon(action string, command []string, net bool, bundle *bundleInfo, pathSet *appPathSet, dropShell bool, beforeFail func()) { fortifyAppDropShell(&fst.Config{ ID: bundle.ID, Command: []string{shell, "-lc", "rm -f /nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/socket && " + // start nix-daemon "nix-daemon --store / & " + // wait for socket to appear "(while [ ! -S /nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/socket ]; do sleep 0.01; done) && " + strings.Join(command, " && ") + // terminate nix-daemon " && pkill nix-daemon", }, Confinement: fst.ConfinementConfig{ AppID: bundle.AppID, Groups: bundle.Groups, Username: "fortify", Inner: path.Join("/data/data", bundle.ID), Outer: pathSet.homeDir, Sandbox: &fst.SandboxConfig{ Hostname: formatHostname(bundle.Name) + "-" + action, UserNS: true, // nix sandbox requires userns Net: net, NoNewSession: dropShell, Filesystem: []*fst.FilesystemConfig{ {Src: pathSet.nixPath, Dst: "/nix", Write: true, Must: true}, }, Link: [][2]string{ {bundle.CurrentSystem, "/run/current-system"}, {"/run/current-system/sw/bin", "/bin"}, {"/run/current-system/sw/bin", "/usr/bin"}, }, Etc: path.Join(pathSet.cacheDir, "etc"), AutoEtc: true, }, ExtraPerms: []*fst.ExtraPermConfig{ {Path: dataHome, Execute: true}, {Ensure: true, Path: pathSet.baseDir, Read: true, Write: true, Execute: true}, }, }, }, dropShell, beforeFail) } func withCacheDir(action string, command []string, workDir string, bundle *bundleInfo, pathSet *appPathSet, dropShell bool, beforeFail func()) { fortifyAppDropShell(&fst.Config{ ID: bundle.ID, Command: []string{shell, "-lc", strings.Join(command, " && ")}, Confinement: fst.ConfinementConfig{ AppID: bundle.AppID, Username: "nixos", Inner: path.Join("/data/data", bundle.ID, "cache"), Outer: pathSet.cacheDir, // this also ensures cacheDir via fshim Sandbox: &fst.SandboxConfig{ Hostname: formatHostname(bundle.Name) + "-" + action, NoNewSession: dropShell, Filesystem: []*fst.FilesystemConfig{ {Src: path.Join(workDir, "nix"), Dst: "/nix", Must: true}, {Src: workDir, Dst: path.Join(fst.Tmp, "bundle"), Must: true}, }, Link: [][2]string{ {bundle.CurrentSystem, "/run/current-system"}, {"/run/current-system/sw/bin", "/bin"}, {"/run/current-system/sw/bin", "/usr/bin"}, }, Etc: path.Join(workDir, "etc"), AutoEtc: true, }, ExtraPerms: []*fst.ExtraPermConfig{ {Path: dataHome, Execute: true}, {Ensure: true, Path: pathSet.baseDir, Read: true, Write: true, Execute: true}, {Path: workDir, Execute: true}, }, }, }, dropShell, beforeFail) } func fortifyAppDropShell(config *fst.Config, dropShell bool, beforeFail func()) { if dropShell { config.Command = []string{shell, "-l"} fortifyApp(config, beforeFail) beforeFail() fmsg.Exit(0) } fortifyApp(config, beforeFail) }