package command_test import ( "bytes" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "log" "strings" "testing" "" ) func TestParse(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string buildTree func(wout, wlog io.Writer) command.Command args []string want string wantLog string wantErr error }{ { "d=0 empty sub", func(wout, wlog io.Writer) command.Command { return command.New(wout, newLogFunc(wlog), "root", nil) }, []string{""}, "", "test: \"root\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree, }, { "d=0 empty sub garbage", func(wout, wlog io.Writer) command.Command { return command.New(wout, newLogFunc(wlog), "root", nil) }, []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}, "", "test: \"root\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree, }, { "d=0 no match", buildTestCommand, []string{"nonexistent"}, "", "test: \"nonexistent\" is not a valid command\n", command.ErrNoMatch, }, { "d=0 direct error", buildTestCommand, []string{"error"}, "", "", errSuccess, }, { "d=0 direct error garbage", buildTestCommand, []string{"error", "0", "1", "2"}, "", "", errSuccess, }, { "d=0 direct success out of order", buildTestCommand, []string{"succeed"}, "", "", nil, }, { "d=0 direct success output", buildTestCommand, []string{"print", "0", "1", "2"}, "012", "", nil, }, { "d=0 out of order string flag", buildTestCommand, []string{"string", "--string", "64d3b4b7b21788585845060e2199a78f"}, "flag provided but not defined: -string\n\nUsage:\ttest string [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS]\n\n", "", errors.New("flag provided but not defined: -string"), }, { "d=0 string flag", buildTestCommand, []string{"--string", "64d3b4b7b21788585845060e2199a78f", "string"}, "64d3b4b7b21788585845060e2199a78f", "", nil, }, { "d=0 int flag", buildTestCommand, []string{"--int", "2147483647", "int"}, "2147483647", "", nil, }, { "d=0 repeat flag", buildTestCommand, []string{"--repeat", "0", "--repeat", "1", "--repeat", "2", "--repeat", "3", "--repeat", "4", "repeat"}, "[0 1 2 3 4]", "", nil, }, { "d=0 bool flag", buildTestCommand, []string{"-v", "succeed"}, "", "test: verbose\n", nil, }, { "d=0 bool flag early error", buildTestCommand, []string{"--fail", "succeed"}, "", "", errSuccess, }, { "d=1 empty sub", buildTestCommand, []string{"empty"}, "", "test: \"empty\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree, }, { "d=1 empty sub garbage", buildTestCommand, []string{"empty", "a", "b", "c", "d"}, "", "test: \"empty\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree, }, { "d=1 empty sub help", buildTestCommand, []string{"empty", "-h"}, "\nUsage:\ttest empty [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS]\n\n", "", flag.ErrHelp, }, { "d=1 no match", buildTestCommand, []string{"join", "23aa3bb0", "34986782", "d8859355", "cd9ac317", ", "}, "", "test: \"23aa3bb0\" is not a valid command\n", command.ErrNoMatch, }, { "d=1 direct success out", buildTestCommand, []string{"join", "out", "23aa3bb0", "34986782", "d8859355", "cd9ac317", ", "}, "23aa3bb0, 34986782, d8859355, cd9ac317", "", nil, }, { "d=1 direct success log", buildTestCommand, []string{"join", "log", "23aa3bb0", "34986782", "d8859355", "cd9ac317", ", "}, "", "test: 23aa3bb0, 34986782, d8859355, cd9ac317\n", nil, }, { "d=4 empty sub", buildTestCommand, []string{"deep", "d=2", "d=3", "d=4"}, "", "test: \"d=4\" has no subcommands\n", command.ErrEmptyTree}, { "d=0 help", buildTestCommand, []string{}, ` Usage: test [-h | --help] [-v] [--fail] [--string ] [--int ] [--repeat ] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands: error return an error print wraps Fprint string print string passed by flag int print int passed by flag repeat print repeated values passed by flag empty empty subcommand join wraps strings.Join succeed this command succeeds deep top level of command tree with various levels `, "", command.ErrHelp, }, { "d=0 help flag", buildTestCommand, []string{"-h"}, ` Usage: test [-h | --help] [-v] [--fail] [--string ] [--int ] [--repeat ] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands: error return an error print wraps Fprint string print string passed by flag int print int passed by flag repeat print repeated values passed by flag empty empty subcommand join wraps strings.Join succeed this command succeeds deep top level of command tree with various levels Flags: -fail fail early -int int store value for the "int" command (default -1) -repeat value store value for the "repeat" command -string string store value for the "string" command (default "default") -v verbose output `, "", flag.ErrHelp, }, { "d=1 help", buildTestCommand, []string{"join"}, ` Usage: test join [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands: out write result to wout log log result to wlog `, "", command.ErrHelp, }, { "d=1 help flag", buildTestCommand, []string{"join", "-h"}, ` Usage: test join [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands: out write result to wout log log result to wlog `, "", flag.ErrHelp, }, { "d=2 help", buildTestCommand, []string{"deep", "d=2"}, ` Usage: test deep d=2 [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands: d=3 relative third level `, "", command.ErrHelp, }, { "d=2 help flag", buildTestCommand, []string{"deep", "d=2", "-h"}, ` Usage: test deep d=2 [-h | --help] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands: d=3 relative third level `, "", flag.ErrHelp, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { wout, wlog := new(bytes.Buffer), new(bytes.Buffer) c := tc.buildTree(wout, wlog) if err := c.Parse(tc.args); !errors.Is(err, tc.wantErr) { t.Errorf("Parse: error = %v; wantErr %v", err, tc.wantErr) } if got := wout.String(); got != tc.want { t.Errorf("Parse: %s want %s", got, tc.want) } if gotLog := wlog.String(); gotLog != tc.wantLog { t.Errorf("Parse: log = %s wantLog %s", gotLog, tc.wantLog) } }) } } var ( errJoinLen = errors.New("not enough arguments to join") errSuccess = errors.New("success") ) func buildTestCommand(wout, wlog io.Writer) (c command.Command) { var ( flagVerbose bool flagFail bool flagString string flagInt int flagRepeat command.RepeatableFlag ) logf := newLogFunc(wlog) c = command.New(wout, logf, "test", func([]string) error { if flagVerbose { logf("verbose") } if flagFail { return errSuccess } return nil }). Flag(&flagVerbose, "v", command.BoolFlag(false), "verbose output"). Flag(&flagFail, "fail", command.BoolFlag(false), "fail early"). Command("error", "return an error", func([]string) error { return errSuccess }). Command("print", "wraps Fprint", func(args []string) error { a := make([]any, len(args)) for i, v := range args { a[i] = v } _, err := fmt.Fprint(wout, a...) return err }). Flag(&flagString, "string", command.StringFlag("default"), "store value for the \"string\" command"). Command("string", "print string passed by flag", func(args []string) error { _, err := fmt.Fprint(wout, flagString); return err }). Flag(&flagInt, "int", command.IntFlag(-1), "store value for the \"int\" command"). Command("int", "print int passed by flag", func(args []string) error { _, err := fmt.Fprint(wout, flagInt); return err }). Flag(nil, "repeat", &flagRepeat, "store value for the \"repeat\" command"). Command("repeat", "print repeated values passed by flag", func(args []string) error { _, err := fmt.Fprint(wout, flagRepeat); return err }) c.New("empty", "empty subcommand") c.New("hidden", command.UsageInternal) c.New("join", "wraps strings.Join"). Command("out", "write result to wout", func(args []string) error { if len(args) == 0 { return errJoinLen } _, err := fmt.Fprint(wout, strings.Join(args[:len(args)-1], args[len(args)-1])) return err }). Command("log", "log result to wlog", func(args []string) error { if len(args) == 0 { return errJoinLen } logf("%s", strings.Join(args[:len(args)-1], args[len(args)-1])) return nil }) c.Command("succeed", "this command succeeds", func([]string) error { return nil }) c.New("deep", "top level of command tree with various levels"). New("d=2", "relative second level"). New("d=3", "relative third level"). New("d=4", "relative fourth level") return } func newLogFunc(w io.Writer) command.LogFunc { return log.New(w, "test: ", 0).Printf }