package main import ( "bytes" "errors" "flag" "testing" "" ) func TestHelp(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string args []string want string }{ { "main", []string{}, ` Usage: fortify [-h | --help] [-v] [--json] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands: app Launch app defined by the specified config file run Configure and start a permissive default sandbox show Show the contents of an app configuration ps List active apps and their state version Show fortify version license Show full license text template Produce a config template help Show this help message `, }, { "run", []string{"run", "-h"}, ` Usage: fortify run [-h | --help] [--dbus-config ] [--dbus-system ] [--mpris] [--dbus-log] [--id ] [-a ] [-g ] [-d ] [-u ] [--wayland] [-X] [--dbus] [--pulse] COMMAND [OPTIONS] Flags: -X Share X11 socket and allow connection -a int Fortify application ID -d string Application home directory (default "os") -dbus Proxy D-Bus connection -dbus-config string Path to D-Bus proxy config file, or "builtin" for defaults (default "builtin") -dbus-log Force logging in the D-Bus proxy -dbus-system string Path to system D-Bus proxy config file, or "nil" to disable (default "nil") -g value Groups inherited by the app process -id string App ID, leave empty to disable security context app_id -mpris Allow owning MPRIS D-Bus path, has no effect if custom config is available -pulse Share PulseAudio socket and cookie -u string Passwd name within sandbox (default "chronos") -wayland Allow Wayland connections `, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { out := new(bytes.Buffer) c := buildCommand(out) if err := c.Parse(tc.args); !errors.Is(err, command.ErrHelp) && !errors.Is(err, flag.ErrHelp) { t.Errorf("Parse: error = %v; want %v", err, command.ErrHelp) } if got := out.String(); got != tc.want { t.Errorf("Parse: %s want %s", got, tc.want) } }) } }