Ophestra Umiker 6220f7e197
app: migrate to new shim implementation
Both machinectl and sudo launch methods launch shim as shim is now responsible for setting up the sandbox. Various app structures are adapted to accommodate bwrap configuration and mediated wayland access.

Signed-off-by: Ophestra Umiker <>
2024-10-11 02:01:03 +09:00

254 lines
5.8 KiB

package app
import (
type (
// ProcessError encapsulates errors returned by starting *exec.Cmd
ProcessError BaseError
// ShimError encapsulates errors returned by shim.ServeConfig.
ShimError BaseError
// Start starts the fortified child
func (a *app) Start() error {
defer a.lock.Unlock()
// resolve exec paths
e := [2]string{helper.BubblewrapName}
if len(a.seal.command) > 0 {
e[1] = a.seal.command[0]
for i, n := range e {
if len(n) == 0 {
if filepath.Base(n) == n {
if s, err := exec.LookPath(n); err == nil {
e[i] = s
} else {
return (*ProcessError)(wrapError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot find %q in PATH: %v", n, err)))
if err := a.seal.sys.commit(); err != nil {
return err
// select command builder
var commandBuilder func(shimEnv string) (args []string)
switch a.seal.launchOption {
case LaunchMethodSudo:
commandBuilder = a.commandBuilderSudo
case LaunchMethodMachineCtl:
commandBuilder = a.commandBuilderMachineCtl
// configure child process
confSockPath := path.Join(a.seal.share, "shim")
a.cmd = exec.Command(a.seal.toolPath, commandBuilder(shim.EnvShim+"="+confSockPath)...)
a.cmd.Env = []string{}
a.cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
a.cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
a.cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
a.cmd.Dir = a.seal.RunDirPath
if wls, err := shim.ServeConfig(confSockPath, &shim.Payload{
Argv: a.seal.command,
Env: a.seal.env,
Exec: e,
Bwrap: a.seal.bwrap,
WL: a.seal.wlDone != nil,
Verbose: verbose.Get(),
}, a.seal.wl, a.seal.wlDone); err != nil {
return (*ShimError)(wrapError(err, "cannot listen on shim socket:", err))
} else {
a.wayland = wls
// start shim
verbose.Println("starting shim as target user:", a.cmd)
if err := a.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return (*ProcessError)(wrapError(err, "cannot start process:", err))
startTime := time.Now().UTC()
// create process state
sd := state.State{
PID: a.cmd.Process.Pid,
Command: a.seal.command,
Launcher: a.seal.toolPath,
Argv: a.cmd.Args,
Time: startTime,
// register process state
var err = new(StateStoreError)
err.Inner, err.DoErr = state.Backend) {
err.InnerErr = b.Save(&sd)
return err.equiv("cannot save process state:", e)
// StateStoreError is returned for a failed state save
type StateStoreError struct {
// whether inner function was called
Inner bool
// error returned by state.Store Do method
DoErr error
// error returned by state.Backend Save method
InnerErr error
// any other errors needing to be tracked
Err error
func (e *StateStoreError) equiv(a ...any) error {
if e.Inner == true && e.DoErr == nil && e.InnerErr == nil && e.Err == nil {
return nil
} else {
return wrapError(e, a...)
func (e *StateStoreError) Error() string {
if e.Inner && e.InnerErr != nil {
return e.InnerErr.Error()
if e.DoErr != nil {
return e.DoErr.Error()
if e.Err != nil {
return e.Err.Error()
return "(nil)"
func (e *StateStoreError) Unwrap() (errs []error) {
errs = make([]error, 0, 3)
if e.DoErr != nil {
errs = append(errs, e.DoErr)
if e.InnerErr != nil {
errs = append(errs, e.InnerErr)
if e.Err != nil {
errs = append(errs, e.Err)
type RevertCompoundError interface {
Error() string
Unwrap() []error
func (a *app) Wait() (int, error) {
defer a.lock.Unlock()
var r int
// wait for process and resolve exit code
if err := a.cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
var exitError *exec.ExitError
if !errors.As(err, &exitError) {
// should be unreachable
a.wait = err
// store non-zero return code
r = exitError.ExitCode()
} else {
r = a.cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode()
verbose.Println("process", strconv.Itoa(a.cmd.Process.Pid), "exited with exit code", r)
// close wayland connection
if a.wayland != nil {
if err := a.wayland.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("fortify: cannot close wayland connection:", err)
// update store and revert app setup transaction
e := new(StateStoreError)
e.Inner, e.DoErr = state.Backend) {
e.InnerErr = func() error {
// destroy defunct state entry
if err := b.Destroy(a.cmd.Process.Pid); err != nil {
return err
// enablements of remaining launchers
rt, tags := new(state.Enablements), new(state.Enablements)
tags.Set(state.EnableLength + 1)
if states, err := b.Load(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if l := len(states); l == 0 {
// cleanup globals as the final launcher
verbose.Println("no other launchers active, will clean up globals")
} else {
verbose.Printf("found %d active launchers, cleaning up without globals\n", l)
// accumulate capabilities of other launchers
for _, s := range states {
*rt |= s.Capability
// invert accumulated enablements for cleanup
for i := state.Enablement(0); i < state.EnableLength; i++ {
if !rt.Has(i) {
if verbose.Get() {
ct := make([]state.Enablement, 0, state.EnableLength)
for i := state.Enablement(0); i < state.EnableLength; i++ {
if tags.Has(i) {
ct = append(ct, i)
if len(ct) > 0 {
verbose.Println("will revert operations tagged", ct, "as no remaining launchers hold these enablements")
if err := a.seal.sys.revert(tags); err != nil {
return err.(RevertCompoundError)
return nil
e.Err =
return r, e.equiv("error returned during cleanup:", e)