Just returning an error after a successful call of commit will leave garbage behind with no way for the caller to clean them. This change ensures revert is always called after successful commit with at least per-process state enabled. Signed-off-by: Ophestra <cat@gensokyo.uk>
528 lines
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528 lines
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package app
import (
const (
home = "HOME"
shell = "SHELL"
xdgConfigHome = "XDG_CONFIG_HOME"
xdgRuntimeDir = "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"
xdgSessionClass = "XDG_SESSION_CLASS"
xdgSessionType = "XDG_SESSION_TYPE"
term = "TERM"
display = "DISPLAY"
pulseServer = "PULSE_SERVER"
pulseCookie = "PULSE_COOKIE"
dbusSessionBusAddress = "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"
dbusSystemBusAddress = "DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS"
var (
ErrConfig = errors.New("no configuration to seal")
ErrUser = errors.New("invalid aid")
ErrHome = errors.New("invalid home directory")
ErrName = errors.New("invalid username")
ErrXDisplay = errors.New(display + " unset")
ErrPulseCookie = errors.New("pulse cookie not present")
ErrPulseSocket = errors.New("pulse socket not present")
ErrPulseMode = errors.New("unexpected pulse socket mode")
var posixUsername = regexp.MustCompilePOSIX("^[a-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_-]{0,31}|[A-Za-z0-9_-]{0,30}\\$)$")
// appSeal stores copies of various parts of [fst.Config]
type appSeal struct {
// passed through from [fst.Config]
command []string
// initial [fst.Config] gob stream for state data;
// this is prepared ahead of time as config is mutated during seal creation
ct io.WriterTo
// dump dbus proxy message buffer
dbusMsg func()
user appUser
sys *system.I
container *bwrap.Config
bwrapSync *os.File
// protected by upstream mutex
// appUser stores post-fsu credentials and metadata
type appUser struct {
// application id
aid *stringPair[int]
// target uid resolved by fid:aid
uid *stringPair[int]
// supplementary group ids
supp []string
// home directory host path
data string
// app user home directory
home string
// passwd database username
username string
func (seal *appSeal) finalise(sys sys.State, config *fst.Config, id string) error {
// encode initial configuration for state tracking
ct := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := gob.NewEncoder(ct).Encode(config); err != nil {
return fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(err,
"cannot encode initial config:")
seal.ct = ct
// pass through command slice; this value is never touched in the main process
seal.command = config.Command
// allowed aid range 0 to 9999, this is checked again in fsu
if config.Confinement.AppID < 0 || config.Confinement.AppID > 9999 {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrUser,
fmt.Sprintf("aid %d out of range", config.Confinement.AppID))
Resolve post-fsu user state
seal.user = appUser{
aid: newInt(config.Confinement.AppID),
data: config.Confinement.Outer,
home: config.Confinement.Inner,
username: config.Confinement.Username,
if seal.user.username == "" {
seal.user.username = "chronos"
} else if !posixUsername.MatchString(seal.user.username) ||
len(seal.user.username) >= internal.Sysconf_SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX() {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrName,
fmt.Sprintf("invalid user name %q", seal.user.username))
if seal.user.data == "" || !path.IsAbs(seal.user.data) {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrHome,
fmt.Sprintf("invalid home directory %q", seal.user.data))
if seal.user.home == "" {
seal.user.home = seal.user.data
if u, err := sys.Uid(seal.user.aid.unwrap()); err != nil {
return err
} else {
seal.user.uid = newInt(u)
seal.user.supp = make([]string, len(config.Confinement.Groups))
for i, name := range config.Confinement.Groups {
if g, err := sys.LookupGroup(name); err != nil {
return fmsg.WrapError(err,
fmt.Sprintf("unknown group %q", name))
} else {
seal.user.supp[i] = g.Gid
Resolve initial container state
// permissive defaults
if config.Confinement.Sandbox == nil {
fmsg.Verbose("sandbox configuration not supplied, PROCEED WITH CAUTION")
conf := &fst.SandboxConfig{
UserNS: true,
Net: true,
Syscall: new(bwrap.SyscallPolicy),
NoNewSession: true,
AutoEtc: true,
// bind entries in /
if d, err := sys.ReadDir("/"); err != nil {
return err
} else {
b := make([]*fst.FilesystemConfig, 0, len(d))
for _, ent := range d {
p := "/" + ent.Name()
switch p {
case "/proc":
case "/dev":
case "/tmp":
case "/mnt":
case "/etc":
b = append(b, &fst.FilesystemConfig{Src: p, Write: true, Must: true})
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, b...)
// hide nscd from sandbox if present
nscd := "/var/run/nscd"
if _, err := sys.Stat(nscd); !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
conf.Override = append(conf.Override, nscd)
// bind GPU stuff
if config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(system.EX11) || config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(system.EWayland) {
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, &fst.FilesystemConfig{Src: "/dev/dri", Device: true})
// opportunistically bind kvm
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, &fst.FilesystemConfig{Src: "/dev/kvm", Device: true})
config.Confinement.Sandbox = conf
var mapuid *stringPair[int]
var uid int
var err error
seal.container, err = config.Confinement.Sandbox.Bwrap(sys, &uid)
if err != nil {
return err
mapuid = newInt(uid)
if seal.container.SetEnv == nil {
seal.container.SetEnv = make(map[string]string)
Initialise externals
sc := sys.Paths()
seal.sys = system.New(seal.user.uid.unwrap())
seal.sys.IsVerbose = fmsg.Load
seal.sys.Verbose = fmsg.Verbose
seal.sys.Verbosef = fmsg.Verbosef
seal.sys.WrapErr = fmsg.WrapError
Work directories
// base fortify share path
seal.sys.Ensure(sc.SharePath, 0711)
// outer paths used by the main process
seal.sys.Ensure(sc.RunDirPath, 0700)
seal.sys.UpdatePermType(system.User, sc.RunDirPath, acl.Execute)
seal.sys.Ensure(sc.RuntimePath, 0700) // ensure this dir in case XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is unset
seal.sys.UpdatePermType(system.User, sc.RuntimePath, acl.Execute)
// outer process-specific share directory
sharePath := path.Join(sc.SharePath, id)
seal.sys.Ephemeral(system.Process, sharePath, 0711)
// similar to share but within XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
sharePathLocal := path.Join(sc.RunDirPath, id)
seal.sys.Ephemeral(system.Process, sharePathLocal, 0700)
seal.sys.UpdatePerm(sharePathLocal, acl.Execute)
// inner XDG_RUNTIME_DIR default formatting of `/run/user/%d` as post-fsu user
innerRuntimeDir := path.Join("/run/user", mapuid.String())
seal.container.Tmpfs("/run/user", 1*1024*1024)
seal.container.Tmpfs(innerRuntimeDir, 8*1024*1024)
seal.container.SetEnv[xdgRuntimeDir] = innerRuntimeDir
seal.container.SetEnv[xdgSessionClass] = "user"
seal.container.SetEnv[xdgSessionType] = "tty"
// outer path for inner /tmp
tmpdir := path.Join(sc.SharePath, "tmpdir")
seal.sys.Ensure(tmpdir, 0700)
seal.sys.UpdatePermType(system.User, tmpdir, acl.Execute)
tmpdirProc := path.Join(tmpdir, seal.user.aid.String())
seal.sys.Ensure(tmpdirProc, 01700)
seal.sys.UpdatePermType(system.User, tmpdirProc, acl.Read, acl.Write, acl.Execute)
seal.container.Bind(tmpdirProc, "/tmp", false, true)
Passwd database
// look up shell
sh := "/bin/sh"
if s, ok := sys.LookupEnv(shell); ok {
seal.container.SetEnv[shell] = s
sh = s
// bind home directory
homeDir := "/var/empty"
if seal.user.home != "" {
homeDir = seal.user.home
username := "chronos"
if seal.user.username != "" {
username = seal.user.username
seal.container.Bind(seal.user.data, homeDir, false, true)
seal.container.Chdir = homeDir
seal.container.SetEnv["HOME"] = homeDir
seal.container.SetEnv["USER"] = username
// generate /etc/passwd and /etc/group
Display servers
// pass $TERM to launcher
if t, ok := sys.LookupEnv(term); ok {
seal.container.SetEnv[term] = t
// set up wayland
if config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(system.EWayland) {
// outer wayland socket (usually `/run/user/%d/wayland-%d`)
var socketPath string
if name, ok := sys.LookupEnv(wl.WaylandDisplay); !ok {
fmsg.Verbose(wl.WaylandDisplay + " is not set, assuming " + wl.FallbackName)
socketPath = path.Join(sc.RuntimePath, wl.FallbackName)
} else if !path.IsAbs(name) {
socketPath = path.Join(sc.RuntimePath, name)
} else {
socketPath = name
innerPath := path.Join(innerRuntimeDir, wl.FallbackName)
seal.container.SetEnv[wl.WaylandDisplay] = wl.FallbackName
if !config.Confinement.Sandbox.DirectWayland { // set up security-context-v1
socketDir := path.Join(sc.SharePath, "wayland")
outerPath := path.Join(socketDir, id)
seal.sys.Ensure(socketDir, 0711)
appID := config.ID
if appID == "" {
// use instance ID in case app id is not set
appID = "uk.gensokyo.fortify." + id
seal.sys.Wayland(&seal.bwrapSync, outerPath, socketPath, appID, id)
seal.container.Bind(outerPath, innerPath)
} else { // bind mount wayland socket (insecure)
fmsg.Verbose("direct wayland access, PROCEED WITH CAUTION")
seal.container.Bind(socketPath, innerPath)
seal.sys.UpdatePermType(system.EWayland, socketPath, acl.Read, acl.Write, acl.Execute)
// set up X11
if config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(system.EX11) {
// discover X11 and grant user permission via the `ChangeHosts` command
if d, ok := sys.LookupEnv(display); !ok {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrXDisplay,
"DISPLAY is not set")
} else {
seal.sys.ChangeHosts("#" + seal.user.uid.String())
seal.container.SetEnv[display] = d
seal.container.Bind("/tmp/.X11-unix", "/tmp/.X11-unix")
PulseAudio server and authentication
if config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(system.EPulse) {
// PulseAudio runtime directory (usually `/run/user/%d/pulse`)
pulseRuntimeDir := path.Join(sc.RuntimePath, "pulse")
// PulseAudio socket (usually `/run/user/%d/pulse/native`)
pulseSocket := path.Join(pulseRuntimeDir, "native")
if _, err := sys.Stat(pulseRuntimeDir); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
return fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot access PulseAudio directory %q:", pulseRuntimeDir))
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrPulseSocket,
fmt.Sprintf("PulseAudio directory %q not found", pulseRuntimeDir))
if s, err := sys.Stat(pulseSocket); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
return fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot access PulseAudio socket %q:", pulseSocket))
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrPulseSocket,
fmt.Sprintf("PulseAudio directory %q found but socket does not exist", pulseRuntimeDir))
} else {
if m := s.Mode(); m&0o006 != 0o006 {
return fmsg.WrapError(ErrPulseMode,
fmt.Sprintf("unexpected permissions on %q:", pulseSocket), m)
// hard link pulse socket into target-executable share
innerPulseRuntimeDir := path.Join(sharePathLocal, "pulse")
innerPulseSocket := path.Join(innerRuntimeDir, "pulse", "native")
seal.sys.Link(pulseSocket, innerPulseRuntimeDir)
seal.container.Bind(innerPulseRuntimeDir, innerPulseSocket)
seal.container.SetEnv[pulseServer] = "unix:" + innerPulseSocket
// publish current user's pulse cookie for target user
if src, err := discoverPulseCookie(sys); err != nil {
// not fatal
} else {
innerDst := fst.Tmp + "/pulse-cookie"
seal.container.SetEnv[pulseCookie] = innerDst
payload := new([]byte)
seal.container.CopyBindRef(innerDst, &payload)
seal.sys.CopyFile(payload, src, 256, 256)
D-Bus proxy
if config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(system.EDBus) {
// ensure dbus session bus defaults
if config.Confinement.SessionBus == nil {
config.Confinement.SessionBus = dbus.NewConfig(config.ID, true, true)
// downstream socket paths
sessionPath, systemPath := path.Join(sharePath, "bus"), path.Join(sharePath, "system_bus_socket")
// configure dbus proxy
if f, err := seal.sys.ProxyDBus(
config.Confinement.SessionBus, config.Confinement.SystemBus,
sessionPath, systemPath,
); err != nil {
return err
} else {
seal.dbusMsg = f
// share proxy sockets
sessionInner := path.Join(innerRuntimeDir, "bus")
seal.container.SetEnv[dbusSessionBusAddress] = "unix:path=" + sessionInner
seal.container.Bind(sessionPath, sessionInner)
seal.sys.UpdatePerm(sessionPath, acl.Read, acl.Write)
if config.Confinement.SystemBus != nil {
systemInner := "/run/dbus/system_bus_socket"
seal.container.SetEnv[dbusSystemBusAddress] = "unix:path=" + systemInner
seal.container.Bind(systemPath, systemInner)
seal.sys.UpdatePerm(systemPath, acl.Read, acl.Write)
// queue overriding tmpfs at the end of seal.container.Filesystem
for _, dest := range config.Confinement.Sandbox.Override {
seal.container.Tmpfs(dest, 8*1024)
// append ExtraPerms last
for _, p := range config.Confinement.ExtraPerms {
if p == nil {
if p.Ensure {
seal.sys.Ensure(p.Path, 0700)
perms := make(acl.Perms, 0, 3)
if p.Read {
perms = append(perms, acl.Read)
if p.Write {
perms = append(perms, acl.Write)
if p.Execute {
perms = append(perms, acl.Execute)
seal.sys.UpdatePermType(system.User, p.Path, perms...)
// mount fortify in sandbox for init
seal.container.Bind(sys.MustExecutable(), path.Join(fst.Tmp, "sbin/fortify"))
seal.container.Symlink("fortify", path.Join(fst.Tmp, "sbin/init"))
fmsg.Verbosef("created application seal for uid %s (%s) groups: %v, command: %s",
seal.user.uid, seal.user.username, config.Confinement.Groups, config.Command)
return nil
// discoverPulseCookie attempts various standard methods to discover the current user's PulseAudio authentication cookie
func discoverPulseCookie(sys sys.State) (string, error) {
if p, ok := sys.LookupEnv(pulseCookie); ok {
return p, nil
// dotfile $HOME/.pulse-cookie
if p, ok := sys.LookupEnv(home); ok {
p = path.Join(p, ".pulse-cookie")
if s, err := sys.Stat(p); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
return p, fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot access PulseAudio cookie %q:", p))
// not found, try next method
} else if !s.IsDir() {
return p, nil
// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pulse/cookie
if p, ok := sys.LookupEnv(xdgConfigHome); ok {
p = path.Join(p, "pulse", "cookie")
if s, err := sys.Stat(p); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
return p, fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot access PulseAudio cookie %q:", p))
// not found, try next method
} else if !s.IsDir() {
return p, nil
return "", fmsg.WrapError(ErrPulseCookie,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot locate PulseAudio cookie (tried $%s, $%s/pulse/cookie, $%s/.pulse-cookie)",
pulseCookie, xdgConfigHome, home))