Ophestra Umiker a3c2916c1a
state: track launcher states in runDir and clean up before exit
X11 hosts and ACL rules are no longer necessary after all launcher processes exit. This reverts all changes to the system made during setup when no launchers remain. State information is also saved in runDir which can be tracked externally.

Signed-off-by: Ophestra Umiker <>
2024-07-16 14:19:43 +09:00

358 lines
8.9 KiB

package main
import (
var Version = "impure"
var (
ego *user.User
uid int
env []string
command []string
verbose bool
runtime string
runDir string
const (
term = "TERM"
home = "HOME"
sudoAskPass = "SUDO_ASKPASS"
xdgRuntimeDir = "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"
xdgConfigHome = "XDG_CONFIG_HOME"
display = "DISPLAY"
pulseServer = "PULSE_SERVER"
pulseCookie = "PULSE_COOKIE"
waylandDisplay = "WAYLAND_DISPLAY"
func main() {
if u, err := strconv.Atoi(ego.Uid); err != nil {
// usually unreachable
panic("ego uid parse")
} else {
uid = u
if r, ok := os.LookupEnv(xdgRuntimeDir); !ok {
fatal("Env variable", xdgRuntimeDir, "unset")
} else {
runtime = r
runDir = path.Join(runtime, "ego")
// state query command
// Report warning if user home directory does not exist or has wrong ownership
if stat, err := os.Stat(ego.HomeDir); err != nil {
if verbose {
switch {
case errors.Is(err, fs.ErrPermission):
fmt.Printf("User %s home directory %s is not accessible", ego.Username, ego.HomeDir)
case errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist):
fmt.Printf("User %s home directory %s does not exist", ego.Username, ego.HomeDir)
fmt.Printf("Error stat user %s home directory %s: %s", ego.Username, ego.HomeDir, err)
} else {
// FreeBSD: not cross-platform
if u := strconv.Itoa(int(stat.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Uid)); u != ego.Uid {
fmt.Printf("User %s home directory %s has incorrect ownership (expected UID %s, found %s)", ego.Username, ego.HomeDir, ego.Uid, u)
// Add execute perm to runtime dir, e.g. `/run/user/%d`
if s, err := os.Stat(runtime); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
fatal("Runtime directory does not exist")
fatal("Error accessing runtime directory:", err)
} else if !s.IsDir() {
fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Path '%s' is not a directory", runtime))
} else {
if err = aclUpdatePerm(runtime, uid, aclExecute); err != nil {
fatal("Error preparing runtime dir:", err)
} else {
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("Runtime data dir '%s' configured\n", runtime)
// Create runtime dir for Ego itself (e.g. `/run/user/%d/ego`) and make it readable for target
if err := os.Mkdir(runDir, 0700); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrExist) {
fatal("Error creating Ego runtime dir:", err)
if err := aclUpdatePerm(runDir, uid, aclExecute); err != nil {
fatal("Error preparing Ego runtime dir:", err)
} else {
// Add rwx permissions to Wayland socket (e.g. `/run/user/%d/wayland-0`)
if w, ok := os.LookupEnv(waylandDisplay); !ok {
if verbose {
fmt.Println("Wayland: WAYLAND_DISPLAY not set, skipping")
} else {
// add environment variable for new process
env = append(env, waylandDisplay+"="+path.Join(runtime, w))
wp := path.Join(runtime, w)
if err := aclUpdatePerm(wp, uid, aclRead, aclWrite, aclExecute); err != nil {
fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Error preparing Wayland '%s':", w), err)
} else {
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("Wayland socket '%s' configured\n", w)
// Detect `DISPLAY` and grant permissions via X11 protocol `ChangeHosts` command
if d, ok := os.LookupEnv(display); !ok {
if verbose {
fmt.Println("X11: DISPLAY not set, skipping")
} else {
// add environment variable for new process
env = append(env, display+"="+d)
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("X11: Adding XHost entry SI:localuser:%s to display '%s'\n", ego.Username, d)
if err := changeHosts(xcbHostModeInsert, xcbFamilyServerInterpreted, "localuser\x00"+ego.Username); err != nil {
fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Error adding XHost entry to '%s':", d), err)
} else {
xcbActionComplete = true
// Add execute permissions to PulseAudio directory (e.g. `/run/user/%d/pulse`)
pulse := path.Join(runtime, "pulse")
pulseS := path.Join(pulse, "native")
if s, err := os.Stat(pulse); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
fatal("Error accessing PulseAudio directory:", err)
if mustPulse {
fatal("PulseAudio is unavailable")
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("PulseAudio dir '%s' not found, skipping\n", pulse)
} else {
// add environment variable for new process
env = append(env, pulseServer+"=unix:"+pulseS)
if err = aclUpdatePerm(pulse, uid, aclExecute); err != nil {
fatal("Error preparing PulseAudio:", err)
} else {
// Ensure permissions of PulseAudio socket `/run/user/%d/pulse/native`
if s, err = os.Stat(pulseS); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
fatal("PulseAudio directory found but socket does not exist")
fatal("Error accessing PulseAudio socket:", err)
} else {
if m := s.Mode(); m&0o006 != 0o006 {
fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected permissions on '%s':", pulseS), m)
// Publish current user's pulse-cookie for target user
pulseCookieSource := discoverPulseCookie()
env = append(env, pulseCookie+"="+pulseCookieSource)
pulseCookieFinal := path.Join(runDir, "pulse-cookie")
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("Publishing PulseAudio cookie '%s' to '%s'\n", pulseCookieSource, pulseCookieFinal)
if err = copyFile(pulseCookieFinal, pulseCookieSource); err != nil {
fatal("Error copying PulseAudio cookie:", err)
if err = aclUpdatePerm(pulseCookieFinal, uid, aclRead); err != nil {
fatal("Error publishing PulseAudio cookie:", err)
} else {
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("PulseAudio dir '%s' configured\n", pulse)
// pass $TERM to launcher
if t, ok := os.LookupEnv(term); ok {
env = append(env, term+"="+t)
f := launchBySudo
m, b := false, false
switch {
case methodFlags[0]: // sudo
case methodFlags[1]: // bare
m, b = true, true
default: // machinectl
m, b = true, false
var toolPath string
// dependency checks
const sudoFallback = "Falling back to 'sudo', some desktop integration features may not work"
if m {
if !sdBooted() {
fmt.Println("This system was not booted through systemd")
} else if tp, ok := which("machinectl"); !ok {
fmt.Println("Did not find 'machinectl' in PATH")
} else {
toolPath = tp
f = func() []string { return launchByMachineCtl(b) }
} else if tp, ok := which("sudo"); !ok {
fatal("Did not find 'sudo' in PATH")
} else {
toolPath = tp
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("Selected launcher '%s' bare=%t\n", toolPath, b)
cmd := exec.Command(toolPath, f()...)
cmd.Env = env
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.Dir = runDir
if verbose {
fmt.Println("Executing:", cmd)
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
fatal("Error starting process:", err)
if err := registerProcess(ego.Uid, cmd); err != nil {
// process already started, shouldn't be fatal
fmt.Println("Error registering process:", err)
var r int
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
var exitError *exec.ExitError
if !errors.As(err, &exitError) {
fatal("Error running process:", err)
if verbose {
fmt.Println("Process exited with exit code", r)
func launchBySudo() (args []string) {
args = make([]string, 0, 4+len(env)+len(command))
// -Hiu $USER
args = append(args, "-Hiu", ego.Username)
// -A?
if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(sudoAskPass); ok {
if verbose {
fmt.Printf("%s set, adding askpass flag\n", sudoAskPass)
args = append(args, "-A")
// environ
args = append(args, env...)
// -- $@
args = append(args, "--")
args = append(args, command...)
func launchByMachineCtl(bare bool) (args []string) {
args = make([]string, 0, 9+len(env))
// shell --uid=$USER
args = append(args, "shell", "--uid="+ego.Username)
// --quiet
if !verbose {
args = append(args, "--quiet")
// environ
envQ := make([]string, len(env)+1)
for i, e := range env {
envQ[i] = "-E" + e
envQ[len(env)] = "-E" + launcherPayloadEnv()
args = append(args, envQ...)
// -- .host
args = append(args, "--", ".host")
// /bin/sh -c
if sh, ok := which("sh"); !ok {
fatal("Did not find 'sh' in PATH")
} else {
args = append(args, sh, "-c")
if len(command) == 0 { // execute shell if command is not provided
command = []string{"$SHELL"}
innerCommand := strings.Builder{}
if !bare {
innerCommand.WriteString("dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd")
for _, e := range env {
innerCommand.WriteString(" " + strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2)[0])
innerCommand.WriteString("; systemctl --user start xdg-desktop-portal-gtk; ")
if executable, err := os.Executable(); err != nil {
fatal("Error reading executable path:", err)
} else {
innerCommand.WriteString("exec " + executable + " -V")
args = append(args, innerCommand.String())