Ophestra Umiker 2faf510146
helper/bwrap: ordered filesystem args
The argument builder was written based on the incorrect assumption that bwrap arguments are unordered. The argument builder is replaced in this commit to correct that mistake.

Signed-off-by: Ophestra Umiker <>
2024-10-15 02:15:55 +09:00

445 lines
13 KiB

package app
import (
// appSeal seals the application with child-related information
type appSeal struct {
// application unique identifier
id *appID
// wayland socket path if mediated wayland is enabled
wl string
// wait for wayland client to exit if mediated wayland is enabled,
// (wlDone == nil) determines whether mediated wayland setup is performed
wlDone chan struct{}
// freedesktop application ID
fid string
// argv to start process with in the final confined environment
command []string
// persistent process state store
store state.Store
// uint8 representation of launch method sealed from config
launchOption uint8
// process-specific share directory path
share string
// process-specific share directory path local to XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
shareLocal string
// path to launcher program
toolPath string
// pass-through enablement tracking from config
et state.Enablements
// prevents sharing from happening twice
shared bool
// seal system-level component
sys *appSealTx
// used in various sealing operations
// protected by upstream mutex
// appSealTx contains the system-level component of the app seal
type appSealTx struct {
bwrap *bwrap.Config
tmpfs []string
// reference to D-Bus proxy instance, nil if disabled
dbus *dbus.Proxy
// notification from goroutine waiting for dbus.Proxy
dbusWait chan struct{}
// upstream address/downstream path used to initialise dbus.Proxy
dbusAddr *[2][2]string
// whether system bus proxy is enabled
dbusSystem bool
// paths to append/strip ACLs (of target user) from
acl []*appACLEntry
// X11 ChangeHosts commands to perform
xhost []string
// paths of directories to ensure
mkdir []appEnsureEntry
// dst, data pairs of temporarily available files
files [][2]string
// dst, src pairs of temporarily shared files
tmpfiles [][2]string
// dst, src pairs of temporarily hard linked files
hardlinks [][2]string
// default formatted XDG_RUNTIME_DIR of User
runtime string
// sealed path to fortify executable, used by shim
executable string
// target user UID as an integer
uid int
// target user sealed from config
// prevents commit from happening twice
complete bool
// prevents cleanup from happening twice
closed bool
// protected by upstream mutex
type appEnsureEntry struct {
path string
perm os.FileMode
remove bool
// setEnv sets an environment variable for the child process
func (tx *appSealTx) setEnv(k, v string) {
tx.bwrap.SetEnv[k] = v
// ensure appends a directory ensure action
func (tx *appSealTx) ensure(path string, perm os.FileMode) {
tx.mkdir = append(tx.mkdir, appEnsureEntry{path, perm, false})
// ensureEphemeral appends a directory ensure action with removal in rollback
func (tx *appSealTx) ensureEphemeral(path string, perm os.FileMode) {
tx.mkdir = append(tx.mkdir, appEnsureEntry{path, perm, true})
// appACLEntry contains information for applying/reverting an ACL entry
type appACLEntry struct {
tag state.Enablement
path string
perms []acl.Perm
func (e *appACLEntry) ts() string {
switch e.tag {
case state.EnableLength:
return "Global"
case state.EnableLength + 1:
return "Process"
return e.tag.String()
func (e *appACLEntry) String() string {
var s = []byte("---")
for _, p := range e.perms {
switch p {
case acl.Read:
s[0] = 'r'
case acl.Write:
s[1] = 'w'
case acl.Execute:
s[2] = 'x'
return string(s)
// updatePerm appends an untagged acl update action
func (tx *appSealTx) updatePerm(path string, perms ...acl.Perm) {
tx.updatePermTag(state.EnableLength+1, path, perms...)
// updatePermTag appends an acl update action
// Tagging with state.EnableLength sets cleanup to happen at final active launcher exit,
// while tagging with state.EnableLength+1 will unconditionally clean up on exit.
func (tx *appSealTx) updatePermTag(tag state.Enablement, path string, perms ...acl.Perm) {
tx.acl = append(tx.acl, &appACLEntry{tag, path, perms})
// changeHosts appends target username of an X11 ChangeHosts action
func (tx *appSealTx) changeHosts(username string) {
tx.xhost = append(tx.xhost, username)
// writeFile appends a files action
func (tx *appSealTx) writeFile(dst string, data []byte) {
tx.files = append(tx.files, [2]string{dst, string(data)})
tx.updatePerm(dst, acl.Read)
tx.bwrap.Bind(dst, dst)
// copyFile appends a tmpfiles action
func (tx *appSealTx) copyFile(dst, src string) {
tx.tmpfiles = append(tx.tmpfiles, [2]string{dst, src})
tx.updatePerm(dst, acl.Read)
tx.bwrap.Bind(dst, dst)
// link appends a hardlink action
func (tx *appSealTx) link(oldname, newname string) {
tx.hardlinks = append(tx.hardlinks, [2]string{oldname, newname})
type (
ChangeHostsError BaseError
EnsureDirError BaseError
TmpfileError BaseError
DBusStartError BaseError
ACLUpdateError BaseError
// commit applies recorded actions
// order: xhost, mkdir, files, tmpfiles, hardlinks, dbus, acl
func (tx *appSealTx) commit() error {
if tx.complete {
panic("seal transaction committed twice")
tx.complete = true
txp := &appSealTx{User: tx.User, bwrap: &bwrap.Config{SetEnv: make(map[string]string)}}
defer func() {
// rollback partial commit
if txp != nil {
// global changes (x11, ACLs) are always repeated and check for other launchers cannot happen here
// attempting cleanup here will cause other fortified processes to lose access to them
// a better (and more secure) fix is to proxy access to these resources and eliminate the ACLs altogether
tags := new(state.Enablements)
for e := state.Enablement(0); e < state.EnableLength+2; e++ {
if err := txp.revert(tags); err != nil {
fmt.Println("fortify: errors returned reverting partial commit:", err)
// insert xhost entries
for _, username := range tx.xhost {
verbose.Printf("inserting XHost entry SI:localuser:%s\n", username)
if err := xcb.ChangeHosts(xcb.HostModeInsert, xcb.FamilyServerInterpreted, "localuser\x00"+username); err != nil {
return (*ChangeHostsError)(wrapError(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot insert XHost entry SI:localuser:%s, %s", username, err)))
} else {
// register partial commit
// ensure directories
for _, dir := range tx.mkdir {
verbose.Println("ensuring directory mode:", dir.perm.String(), "path:", dir.path)
if err := os.Mkdir(dir.path, dir.perm); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrExist) {
return (*EnsureDirError)(wrapError(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot create directory '%s': %s", dir.path, err)))
} else {
// only ephemeral dirs require rollback
if dir.remove {
// register partial commit
txp.ensureEphemeral(dir.path, dir.perm)
// write files
for _, file := range tx.files {
verbose.Println("writing", len(file[1]), "bytes of data to", file[0])
if err := os.WriteFile(file[0], []byte(file[1]), 0600); err != nil {
return (*TmpfileError)(wrapError(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot write file '%s': %s", file[0], err)))
} else {
// register partial commit
txp.writeFile(file[0], make([]byte, 0)) // data not necessary for revert
// publish tmpfiles
for _, tmpfile := range tx.tmpfiles {
verbose.Println("publishing tmpfile", tmpfile[0], "from", tmpfile[1])
if err := copyFile(tmpfile[0], tmpfile[1]); err != nil {
return (*TmpfileError)(wrapError(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot publish tmpfile '%s' from '%s': %s", tmpfile[0], tmpfile[1], err)))
} else {
// register partial commit
txp.copyFile(tmpfile[0], tmpfile[1])
// create hardlinks
for _, link := range tx.hardlinks {
verbose.Println("creating hardlink", link[1], "from", link[0])
if err := os.Link(link[0], link[1]); err != nil {
return (*TmpfileError)(wrapError(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot create hardlink '%s' from '%s': %s", link[1], link[0], err)))
} else {
// register partial commit[0], link[1])
if tx.dbus != nil {
// start dbus proxy
verbose.Printf("session bus proxy on '%s' for upstream '%s'\n", tx.dbusAddr[0][1], tx.dbusAddr[0][0])
if tx.dbusSystem {
verbose.Printf("system bus proxy on '%s' for upstream '%s'\n", tx.dbusAddr[1][1], tx.dbusAddr[1][0])
if err := tx.startDBus(); err != nil {
return (*DBusStartError)(wrapError(err, "cannot start message bus proxy:", err))
} else {
txp.dbus = tx.dbus
txp.dbusAddr = tx.dbusAddr
txp.dbusSystem = tx.dbusSystem
txp.dbusWait = tx.dbusWait
// apply ACLs
for _, e := range tx.acl {
verbose.Println("applying ACL", e, "uid:", tx.Uid, "tag:", e.ts(), "path:", e.path)
if err := acl.UpdatePerm(e.path, tx.uid, e.perms...); err != nil {
return (*ACLUpdateError)(wrapError(err,
fmt.Sprintf("cannot apply ACL to '%s': %s", e.path, err)))
} else {
// register partial commit
txp.updatePermTag(e.tag, e.path, e.perms...)
// disarm partial commit rollback
txp = nil
// queue tmpfs at the end of tx.bwrap.Filesystem
for _, dest := range tx.tmpfs {
tx.bwrap.Tmpfs(dest, 8*1024)
return nil
// revert rolls back recorded actions
// order: acl, dbus, hardlinks, tmpfiles, files, mkdir, xhost
// errors are printed but not treated as fatal
func (tx *appSealTx) revert(tags *state.Enablements) error {
if tx.closed {
panic("seal transaction reverted twice")
tx.closed = true
// will be slightly over-sized with ephemeral dirs
errs := make([]error, 0, len(tx.acl)+1+len(tx.tmpfiles)+len(tx.mkdir)+len(tx.xhost))
joinError := func(err error, a ...any) {
var e error
if err != nil {
e = wrapError(err, a...)
errs = append(errs, e)
// revert ACLs
for _, e := range tx.acl {
if tags.Has(e.tag) {
verbose.Println("stripping ACL", e, "uid:", tx.Uid, "tag:", e.ts(), "path:", e.path)
err := acl.UpdatePerm(e.path, tx.uid)
joinError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot strip ACL entry from '%s': %s", e.path, err))
} else {
verbose.Println("skipping ACL", e, "uid:", tx.Uid, "tag:", e.ts(), "path:", e.path)
if tx.dbus != nil {
// stop dbus proxy
verbose.Println("terminating message bus proxy")
err := tx.stopDBus()
joinError(err, "cannot stop message bus proxy:", err)
// remove hardlinks
for _, link := range tx.hardlinks {
verbose.Println("removing hardlink", link[1])
err := os.Remove(link[1])
joinError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot remove hardlink '%s': %s", link[1], err))
// remove tmpfiles
for _, tmpfile := range tx.tmpfiles {
verbose.Println("removing tmpfile", tmpfile[0])
err := os.Remove(tmpfile[0])
joinError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot remove tmpfile '%s': %s", tmpfile[0], err))
// remove files
for _, file := range tx.files {
verbose.Println("removing file", file[0])
err := os.Remove(file[0])
joinError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot remove file '%s': %s", file[0], err))
// remove (empty) ephemeral directories
for i := len(tx.mkdir); i > 0; i-- {
dir := tx.mkdir[i-1]
if !dir.remove {
verbose.Println("destroying ephemeral directory mode:", dir.perm.String(), "path:", dir.path)
err := os.Remove(dir.path)
joinError(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot remove ephemeral directory '%s': %s", dir.path, err))
if tags.Has(state.EnableX) {
// rollback xhost insertions
for _, username := range tx.xhost {
verbose.Printf("deleting XHost entry SI:localuser:%s\n", username)
err := xcb.ChangeHosts(xcb.HostModeDelete, xcb.FamilyServerInterpreted, "localuser\x00"+username)
joinError(err, "cannot remove XHost entry:", err)
return errors.Join(errs...)
// shareAll calls all share methods in sequence
func (seal *appSeal) shareAll(bus [2]*dbus.Config) error {
if seal.shared {
panic("seal shared twice")
seal.shared = true
targetTmpdir := seal.shareTmpdirChild()
verbose.Printf("child tmpdir %q configured\n", targetTmpdir)
if err := seal.shareDisplay(); err != nil {
return err
if err := seal.sharePulse(); err != nil {
return err
// ensure dbus session bus defaults
if bus[0] == nil {
bus[0] = dbus.NewConfig(seal.fid, true, true)
if err := seal.shareDBus(bus); err != nil {
return err
} else if seal.sys.dbusAddr != nil { // set if D-Bus enabled and share successful
verbose.Println("sealed session proxy", bus[0].Args(seal.sys.dbusAddr[0]))
if bus[1] != nil {
verbose.Println("sealed system proxy", bus[1].Args(seal.sys.dbusAddr[1]))
verbose.Println("message bus proxy final args:", seal.sys.dbus)
return nil