This removes the requirement to call fmsg.Exit on every exit path, and enables direct use of the "log" package. However, fmsg.BeforeExit is still encouraged when possible to catch exit on suspended output. Signed-off-by: Ophestra <>
192 lines
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192 lines
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package main
import (
func actionInstall(args []string) {
set := flag.NewFlagSet("install", flag.ExitOnError)
var (
dropShellInstall bool
dropShellActivate bool
set.BoolVar(&dropShellInstall, "si", false, "Drop to a shell on installation")
set.BoolVar(&dropShellActivate, "sa", false, "Drop to a shell on activation")
// Ignore errors; set is set for ExitOnError.
_ = set.Parse(args)
args = set.Args()
if len(args) != 1 {
log.Fatal("invalid argument")
pkgPath := args[0]
if !path.IsAbs(pkgPath) {
if dir, err := os.Getwd(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot get current directory: %v", err)
} else {
pkgPath = path.Join(dir, pkgPath)
Look up paths to programs started by fpkg.
This is done here to ease error handling as cleanup is not yet required.
var (
_ = lookPath("zstd")
tar = lookPath("tar")
chmod = lookPath("chmod")
rm = lookPath("rm")
Extract package and set up for cleanup.
var workDir string
if p, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "fpkg.*"); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot create temporary directory: %v", err)
} else {
workDir = p
cleanup := func() {
// should be faster than a native implementation
mustRun(chmod, "-R", "+w", workDir)
mustRun(rm, "-rf", workDir)
mustRun(tar, "-C", workDir, "-xf", pkgPath)
Parse bundle and app metadata, do pre-install checks.
bundle := loadBundleInfo(path.Join(workDir, "bundle.json"), cleanup)
pathSet := pathSetByApp(bundle.ID)
app := bundle
if s, err := os.Stat(pathSet.metaPath); err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
log.Fatalf("cannot access %q: %v", pathSet.metaPath, err)
// did not modify app, clean installation condition met later
} else if s.IsDir() {
log.Fatalf("metadata path %q is not a file", pathSet.metaPath)
} else {
app = loadBundleInfo(pathSet.metaPath, cleanup)
if app.ID != bundle.ID {
log.Fatalf("app %q claims to have identifier %q", bundle.ID, app.ID)
// sec: should verify credentials
if app != bundle {
// do not try to re-install
if app.NixGL == bundle.NixGL &&
app.CurrentSystem == bundle.CurrentSystem &&
app.Launcher == bundle.Launcher &&
app.ActivationPackage == bundle.ActivationPackage {
log.Printf("package %q is identical to local application %q", pkgPath, app.ID)
// AppID determines uid
if app.AppID != bundle.AppID {
log.Fatalf("package %q app id %d differs from installed %d", pkgPath, bundle.AppID, app.AppID)
// sec: should compare version string
fmsg.Verbosef("installing application %q version %q over local %q", bundle.ID, bundle.Version, app.Version)
} else {
fmsg.Verbosef("application %q clean installation", bundle.ID)
// sec: should install credentials
Setup steps for files owned by the target user.
withCacheDir("install", []string{
// export inner bundle path in the environment
"export BUNDLE=" + fst.Tmp + "/bundle",
// replace inner /etc
"mkdir -p etc",
"chmod -R +w etc",
"rm -rf etc",
"cp -dRf $BUNDLE/etc etc",
// replace inner /nix
"mkdir -p nix",
"chmod -R +w nix",
"rm -rf nix",
"cp -dRf /nix nix",
// copy from binary cache
"nix copy --offline --no-check-sigs --all --from file://$BUNDLE/res --to $PWD",
// deduplicate nix store
"nix store --offline --store $PWD optimise",
// make cache directory world-readable for autoetc
"chmod 0755 .",
}, workDir, bundle, pathSet, dropShellInstall, cleanup)
if bundle.GPU {
withCacheDir("mesa-wrappers", []string{
// link nixGL mesa wrappers
"mkdir -p nix/.nixGL",
"ln -s " + bundle.Mesa + "/bin/nixGLIntel nix/.nixGL/nixGL",
"ln -s " + bundle.Mesa + "/bin/nixVulkanIntel nix/.nixGL/nixVulkan",
}, workDir, bundle, pathSet, false, cleanup)
Activate home-manager generation.
withNixDaemon("activate", []string{
// clean up broken links
"mkdir -p .local/state/{nix,home-manager}",
"chmod -R +w .local/state/{nix,home-manager}",
"rm -rf .local/state/{nix,home-manager}",
// run activation script
bundle.ActivationPackage + "/activate",
}, false, func(config *fst.Config) *fst.Config { return config }, bundle, pathSet, dropShellActivate, cleanup)
Installation complete. Write metadata to block re-installs or downgrades.
// serialise metadata to ensure consistency
if f, err := os.OpenFile(pathSet.metaPath+"~", os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0644); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot create metadata file: %v", err)
} else if err = json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(bundle); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot write metadata: %v", err)
} else if err = f.Close(); err != nil {
log.Printf("cannot close metadata file: %v", err)
// not fatal
if err := os.Rename(pathSet.metaPath+"~", pathSet.metaPath); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot rename metadata file: %v", err)