Ophestra Umiker
All checks were successful
test / test (push) Successful in 19s
This change moves all user switcher and shim management to the shim package and withholds output while shim is alive. This also eliminated all exit scenarios where revert is skipped. Signed-off-by: Ophestra Umiker <cat@ophivana.moe>
203 lines
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203 lines
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package shim
import (
// used by the parent process
type Shim struct {
// user switcher process
cmd *exec.Cmd
// uid of shim target user
uid uint32
// whether to check shim pid
checkPid bool
// user switcher executable path
executable string
// path to setup socket
socket string
// shim setup abort reason and completion
abort chan error
abortErr atomic.Pointer[error]
abortOnce sync.Once
// wayland mediation, nil if disabled
wl *Wayland
// shim setup payload
payload *Payload
func New(executable string, uid uint32, socket string, wl *Wayland, payload *Payload) *Shim {
// checkPid is impossible at the moment since there is no way to obtain shim's pid
// this feature is disabled here until sudo is replaced by fortify suid wrapper
return &Shim{uid: uid, executable: executable, socket: socket, wl: wl, payload: payload}
func (s *Shim) String() string {
if s.cmd == nil {
return "(unused shim manager)"
return s.cmd.String()
func (s *Shim) Unwrap() *exec.Cmd {
return s.cmd
func (s *Shim) Abort(err error) {
s.abortOnce.Do(func() {
// s.abort is buffered so this will never block
s.abort <- err
func (s *Shim) AbortWait(err error) {
type CommandBuilder func(shimEnv string) (args []string)
func (s *Shim) Start(f CommandBuilder) (*time.Time, error) {
var (
cf chan *net.UnixConn
accept func()
// listen on setup socket
if c, a, err := s.serve(); err != nil {
return nil, fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(err,
"cannot listen on shim setup socket:")
} else {
// accepts a connection after each call to accept
// connections are sent to the channel cf
cf, accept = c, a
// start user switcher process and save time
s.cmd = exec.Command(s.executable, f(EnvShim+"="+s.socket)...)
s.cmd.Env = []string{}
s.cmd.Stdin, s.cmd.Stdout, s.cmd.Stderr = os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr
s.cmd.Dir = "/"
fmsg.VPrintln("starting shim via user switcher:", s.cmd)
fmsg.Withhold() // withhold messages to stderr
if err := s.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(err,
"cannot start user switcher:")
startTime := time.Now().UTC()
// kill shim if something goes wrong and an error is returned
killShim := func() {
if err := s.cmd.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt); err != nil {
fmsg.Println("cannot terminate shim on faulted setup:", err)
defer func() { killShim() }()
conn := <-cf
if conn == nil {
return &startTime, fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(*s.abortErr.Load(), "cannot accept call on setup socket:")
// authenticate against called provided uid and shim pid
if cred, err := peerCred(conn); err != nil {
return &startTime, fmsg.WrapErrorSuffix(*s.abortErr.Load(), "cannot retrieve shim credentials:")
} else if cred.Uid != s.uid {
fmsg.Printf("process %d owned by user %d tried to connect, expecting %d",
cred.Pid, cred.Uid, s.uid)
err = errors.New("compromised fortify build")
return &startTime, err
} else if s.checkPid && cred.Pid != int32(s.cmd.Process.Pid) {
fmsg.Printf("process %d tried to connect to shim setup socket, expecting shim %d",
cred.Pid, s.cmd.Process.Pid)
err = errors.New("compromised target user")
return &startTime, err
// serve payload and wayland fd if enabled
// this also closes the connection
err := s.payload.serve(conn, s.wl)
if err == nil {
killShim = func() {}
s.Abort(err) // aborting with nil indicates success
return &startTime, err
func (s *Shim) serve() (chan *net.UnixConn, func(), error) {
if s.abort != nil {
panic("attempted to serve shim setup twice")
s.abort = make(chan error, 1)
cf := make(chan *net.UnixConn)
accept := make(chan struct{}, 1)
if l, err := net.ListenUnix("unix", &net.UnixAddr{Name: s.socket, Net: "unix"}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
} else {
fmsg.VPrintf("listening on shim setup socket %q", s.socket)
if err = acl.UpdatePerm(s.socket, int(s.uid), acl.Read, acl.Write, acl.Execute); err != nil {
fmsg.Println("cannot append ACL entry to shim setup socket:", err)
s.Abort(err) // ensures setup socket cleanup
go func() {
for {
select {
case err = <-s.abort:
if err != nil {
fmsg.VPrintln("aborting shim setup, reason:", err)
if err = l.Close(); err != nil {
fmsg.Println("cannot close setup socket:", err)
case <-accept:
if conn, err0 := l.AcceptUnix(); err0 != nil {
s.Abort(err0) // does not block, breaks loop
cf <- nil // receiver sees nil value and loads err0 stored during abort
} else {
cf <- conn
return cf, func() { accept <- struct{}{} }, nil
// peerCred fetches peer credentials of conn
func peerCred(conn *net.UnixConn) (ucred *syscall.Ucred, err error) {
var raw syscall.RawConn
if raw, err = conn.SyscallConn(); err != nil {
err0 := raw.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
ucred, err = syscall.GetsockoptUcred(int(fd), syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SO_PEERCRED)
err = errors.Join(err, err0)