Ophestra Umiker eae3034260
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state: expose aids and use instance id as key
Fortify state store instances was specific to aids due to outdated design decisions carried over from the ego rewrite. That no longer makes sense in the current application, so the interface now enables a single store object to manage all transient state.

Signed-off-by: Ophestra Umiker <>
2024-12-19 21:36:17 +09:00

293 lines
5.9 KiB

package state
import (
// fine-grained locking and access
type multiStore struct {
base string
// initialised backends
backends *sync.Map
lock sync.RWMutex
func (s *multiStore) Do(aid int, f func(c Cursor)) (bool, error) {
defer s.lock.RUnlock()
// load or initialise new backend
b := new(multiBackend)
if v, ok := s.backends.LoadOrStore(aid, b); ok {
b = v.(*multiBackend)
} else {
b.path = path.Join(s.base, strconv.Itoa(aid))
// ensure directory
if err := os.MkdirAll(b.path, 0700); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrExist) {
s.backends.CompareAndDelete(aid, b)
return false, err
// open locker file
if l, err := os.OpenFile(b.path+".lock", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600); err != nil {
s.backends.CompareAndDelete(aid, b)
return false, err
} else {
b.lockfile = l
// lock backend
if err := b.lockFile(); err != nil {
return false, err
// expose backend methods without exporting the pointer
c := new(struct{ *multiBackend })
c.multiBackend = b
// disable access to the backend on a best-effort basis
c.multiBackend = nil
// unlock backend
return true, b.unlockFile()
func (s *multiStore) List() ([]int, error) {
var entries []os.DirEntry
// read base directory to get all aids
if v, err := os.ReadDir(s.base); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, err
} else {
entries = v
aidsBuf := make([]int, 0, len(entries))
for _, e := range entries {
// skip non-directories
if !e.IsDir() {
fmsg.VPrintf("skipped non-directory entry %q", e.Name())
// skip non-numerical names
if v, err := strconv.Atoi(e.Name()); err != nil {
fmsg.VPrintf("skipped non-aid entry %q", e.Name())
} else {
if v < 0 || v > 9999 {
fmsg.VPrintf("skipped out of bounds entry %q", e.Name())
aidsBuf = append(aidsBuf, v)
return append([]int(nil), aidsBuf...), nil
func (s *multiStore) Close() error {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
var errs []error
s.backends.Range(func(_, value any) bool {
b := value.(*multiBackend)
errs = append(errs, b.close())
return true
return errors.Join(errs...)
type multiBackend struct {
path string
// created/opened by prepare
lockfile *os.File
lock sync.RWMutex
func (b *multiBackend) filename(id *fst.ID) string {
return path.Join(b.path, id.String())
func (b *multiBackend) lockFileAct(lt int) (err error) {
op := "LockAct"
switch lt {
case syscall.LOCK_EX:
op = "Lock"
case syscall.LOCK_UN:
op = "Unlock"
for {
err = syscall.Flock(int(b.lockfile.Fd()), lt)
if !errors.Is(err, syscall.EINTR) {
if err != nil {
return &fs.PathError{
Op: op,
Path: b.lockfile.Name(),
Err: err,
return nil
func (b *multiBackend) lockFile() error {
return b.lockFileAct(syscall.LOCK_EX)
func (b *multiBackend) unlockFile() error {
return b.lockFileAct(syscall.LOCK_UN)
// reads all launchers in simpleBackend
// file contents are ignored if decode is false
func (b *multiBackend) load(decode bool) (Entries, error) {
defer b.lock.RUnlock()
// read directory contents, should only contain files named after ids
var entries []os.DirEntry
if pl, err := os.ReadDir(b.path); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
entries = pl
// allocate as if every entry is valid
// since that should be the case assuming no external interference happens
r := make(Entries, len(entries))
for _, e := range entries {
if e.IsDir() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected directory %q in store", e.Name())
id := new(fst.ID)
if err := fst.ParseAppID(id, e.Name()); err != nil {
return nil, err
// run in a function to better handle file closing
if err := func() error {
// open state file for reading
if f, err := os.Open(path.Join(b.path, e.Name())); err != nil {
return err
} else {
defer func() {
if f.Close() != nil {
// unreachable
panic("foreign state file closed prematurely")
s := new(State)
r[*id] = s
// append regardless, but only parse if required, used to implement Len
if decode {
if err = gob.NewDecoder(f).Decode(s); err != nil {
return err
if s.ID != *id {
return fmt.Errorf("state entry %s has unexpected id %s", id, &s.ID)
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
// Save writes process state to filesystem
func (b *multiBackend) Save(state *State) error {
defer b.lock.Unlock()
if state.Config == nil {
return errors.New("state does not contain config")
statePath := b.filename(&state.ID)
// create and open state data file
if f, err := os.OpenFile(statePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0600); err != nil {
return err
} else {
defer func() {
if f.Close() != nil {
// unreachable
panic("state file closed prematurely")
// encode into state file
return gob.NewEncoder(f).Encode(state)
func (b *multiBackend) Destroy(id fst.ID) error {
defer b.lock.Unlock()
return os.Remove(b.filename(&id))
func (b *multiBackend) Load() (Entries, error) {
return b.load(true)
func (b *multiBackend) Len() (int, error) {
// rn consists of only nil entries but has the correct length
rn, err := b.load(false)
return len(rn), err
func (b *multiBackend) close() error {
defer b.lock.Unlock()
err := b.lockfile.Close()
if err == nil || errors.Is(err, os.ErrInvalid) || errors.Is(err, os.ErrClosed) {
return nil
return err
// NewMulti returns an instance of the multi-file store.
func NewMulti(runDir string) Store {
b := new(multiStore)
b.base = path.Join(runDir, "state")
b.backends = new(sync.Map)
return b