This directory usually contains temporarily mounted stuff and shouldn't get into the sandbox. Signed-off-by: Ophestra Umiker <>
211 lines
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211 lines
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package app
import (
const (
LaunchMethodSudo uint8 = iota
var (
ErrConfig = errors.New("no configuration to seal")
ErrUser = errors.New("unknown user")
ErrLaunch = errors.New("invalid launch method")
ErrSudo = errors.New("sudo not available")
ErrSystemd = errors.New("systemd not available")
ErrMachineCtl = errors.New("machinectl not available")
type (
SealConfigError BaseError
LauncherLookupError BaseError
SecurityError BaseError
// Seal seals the app launch context
func (a *app) Seal(config *Config) error {
defer a.lock.Unlock()
if a.seal != nil {
panic("app sealed twice")
if config == nil {
return (*SealConfigError)(wrapError(ErrConfig, "attempted to seal app with nil config"))
// create seal
seal := new(appSeal)
// generate application ID
if id, err := newAppID(); err != nil {
return (*SecurityError)(wrapError(err, "cannot generate application ID:", err))
} else {
| = id
// fetch system constants
seal.SystemConstants = internal.GetSC()
// pass through config values
seal.fid = config.ID
seal.command = config.Command
// parses launch method text and looks up tool path
switch config.Method {
case "sudo":
seal.launchOption = LaunchMethodSudo
if sudoPath, err := exec.LookPath("sudo"); err != nil {
return (*LauncherLookupError)(wrapError(ErrSudo, "sudo not found"))
} else {
seal.toolPath = sudoPath
case "systemd":
seal.launchOption = LaunchMethodMachineCtl
if !internal.SdBootedV {
return (*LauncherLookupError)(wrapError(ErrSystemd,
"system has not been booted with systemd as init system"))
if machineCtlPath, err := exec.LookPath("machinectl"); err != nil {
return (*LauncherLookupError)(wrapError(ErrMachineCtl, "machinectl not found"))
} else {
seal.toolPath = machineCtlPath
return (*SealConfigError)(wrapError(ErrLaunch, "invalid launch method"))
// create seal system component
seal.sys = new(appSealTx)
// look up fortify executable path
if p, err := os.Executable(); err != nil {
return (*LauncherLookupError)(wrapError(err, "cannot look up fortify executable path:", err))
} else {
seal.sys.executable = p
// look up user from system
if u, err := user.Lookup(config.User); err != nil {
if errors.As(err, new(user.UnknownUserError)) {
return (*SealConfigError)(wrapError(ErrUser, "unknown user", config.User))
} else {
// unreachable
} else {
seal.sys.User = u
seal.sys.runtime = path.Join("/run/user", u.Uid)
// map sandbox config to bwrap
if config.Confinement.Sandbox == nil {
verbose.Println("sandbox configuration not supplied, PROCEED WITH CAUTION")
// permissive defaults
conf := &SandboxConfig{
UserNS: true,
Net: true,
NoNewSession: true,
// bind entries in /
if d, err := os.ReadDir("/"); err != nil {
return err
} else {
b := make([]*FilesystemConfig, 0, len(d))
for _, ent := range d {
name := ent.Name()
switch name {
case "proc":
case "dev":
case "run":
case "mnt":
p := "/" + name
b = append(b, &FilesystemConfig{Src: p, Write: true, Must: true})
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, b...)
// bind entries in /run
if d, err := os.ReadDir("/run"); err != nil {
return err
} else {
b := make([]*FilesystemConfig, 0, len(d))
for _, ent := range d {
name := ent.Name()
switch name {
case "user":
case "dbus":
p := "/run/" + name
b = append(b, &FilesystemConfig{Src: p, Write: true, Must: true})
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, b...)
// bind GPU stuff
if config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(state.EnableX) || config.Confinement.Enablements.Has(state.EnableWayland) {
conf.Filesystem = append(conf.Filesystem, &FilesystemConfig{Src: "/dev/dri", Device: true})
config.Confinement.Sandbox = conf
seal.sys.bwrap = config.Confinement.Sandbox.Bwrap()
if seal.sys.bwrap.SetEnv == nil {
seal.sys.bwrap.SetEnv = make(map[string]string)
// create wayland client wait channel if mediated wayland is enabled
// this channel being set enables mediated wayland setup later on
if config.Confinement.Sandbox.Wayland {
seal.wlDone = make(chan struct{})
// open process state store
// the simple store only starts holding an open file after first action
// store activity begins after Start is called and must end before Wait
| = state.NewSimple(seal.SystemConstants.RunDirPath, seal.sys.Uid)
// parse string UID
if u, err := strconv.Atoi(seal.sys.Uid); err != nil {
// unreachable unless kernel bug
panic("uid parse")
} else {
seal.sys.uid = u
// pass through enablements
| = config.Confinement.Enablements
// this method calls all share methods in sequence
if err := seal.shareAll([2]*dbus.Config{config.Confinement.SessionBus, config.Confinement.SystemBus}); err != nil {
return err
// verbose log seal information
verbose.Println("created application seal as user",
seal.sys.Username, "("+seal.sys.Uid+"),",
"method:", config.Method+",",
"launcher:", seal.toolPath+",",
"command:", config.Command)
// seal app and release lock
a.seal = seal
return nil