The errSuccess behaviour is kept for beforeExit. Signed-off-by: Ophestra <>
317 lines
8.7 KiB
317 lines
8.7 KiB
package main
import (
_ "embed"
init0 ""
var (
errSuccess = errors.New("success")
//go:embed LICENSE
license string
func init() { fmsg.Prepare("fortify") }
var std sys.State = new(sys.Std)
func main() {
// early init argv0 check, skips root check and duplicate PR_SET_DUMPABLE
if err := internal.PR_SET_DUMPABLE__SUID_DUMP_DISABLE(); err != nil {
log.Printf("cannot set SUID_DUMP_DISABLE: %s", err)
// not fatal: this program runs as the privileged user
if os.Geteuid() == 0 {
log.Fatal("this program must not run as root")
buildCommand(os.Stderr).MustParse(os.Args[1:], func(err error) {
fmsg.Verbosef("command returned %v", err)
if errors.Is(err, errSuccess) {
func buildCommand(out io.Writer) command.Command {
var (
flagVerbose bool
flagJSON bool
c := command.New(out, log.Printf, "fortify", func([]string) error { fmsg.Store(flagVerbose); return nil }).
Flag(&flagVerbose, "v", command.BoolFlag(false), "Print debug messages to the console").
Flag(&flagJSON, "json", command.BoolFlag(false), "Serialise output as JSON when applicable")
c.Command("app", "Launch app defined by the specified config file", func(args []string) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
log.Fatal("app requires at least 1 argument")
// config extraArgs...
config := tryPath(args[0])
config.Command = append(config.Command, args[1:]...)
// invoke app
runApp(app.MustNew(std), config)
var (
dbusConfigSession string
dbusConfigSystem string
mpris bool
dbusVerbose bool
fid string
aid int
groups command.RepeatableFlag
homeDir string
userName string
enablements [system.ELen]bool
c.NewCommand("run", "Configure and start a permissive default sandbox", func(args []string) error {
// initialise config from flags
config := &fst.Config{
ID: fid,
Command: args,
if aid < 0 || aid > 9999 {
log.Fatalf("aid %d out of range", aid)
// resolve home/username from os when flag is unset
var (
passwd *user.User
passwdOnce sync.Once
passwdFunc = func() {
var us string
if uid, err := std.Uid(aid); err != nil {
fmsg.PrintBaseError(err, "cannot obtain uid from fsu:")
} else {
us = strconv.Itoa(uid)
if u, err := user.LookupId(us); err != nil {
fmsg.Verbosef("cannot look up uid %s", us)
passwd = &user.User{
Uid: us,
Gid: us,
Username: "chronos",
Name: "Fortify",
HomeDir: "/var/empty",
} else {
passwd = u
if homeDir == "os" {
homeDir = passwd.HomeDir
if userName == "chronos" {
userName = passwd.Username
config.Confinement.AppID = aid
config.Confinement.Groups = groups
config.Confinement.Outer = homeDir
config.Confinement.Username = userName
// enablements from flags
for i := system.Enablement(0); i < system.Enablement(system.ELen); i++ {
if enablements[i] {
// parse D-Bus config file from flags if applicable
if enablements[system.EDBus] {
if dbusConfigSession == "builtin" {
config.Confinement.SessionBus = dbus.NewConfig(fid, true, mpris)
} else {
if conf, err := dbus.NewConfigFromFile(dbusConfigSession); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot load session bus proxy config from %q: %s", dbusConfigSession, err)
} else {
config.Confinement.SessionBus = conf
// system bus proxy is optional
if dbusConfigSystem != "nil" {
if conf, err := dbus.NewConfigFromFile(dbusConfigSystem); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot load system bus proxy config from %q: %s", dbusConfigSystem, err)
} else {
config.Confinement.SystemBus = conf
// override log from configuration
if dbusVerbose {
config.Confinement.SessionBus.Log = true
config.Confinement.SystemBus.Log = true
// invoke app
runApp(app.MustNew(std), config)
Flag(&dbusConfigSession, "dbus-config", command.StringFlag("builtin"),
"Path to D-Bus proxy config file, or \"builtin\" for defaults").
Flag(&dbusConfigSystem, "dbus-system", command.StringFlag("nil"),
"Path to system D-Bus proxy config file, or \"nil\" to disable").
Flag(&mpris, "mpris", command.BoolFlag(false),
"Allow owning MPRIS D-Bus path, has no effect if custom config is available").
Flag(&dbusVerbose, "dbus-log", command.BoolFlag(false),
"Force logging in the D-Bus proxy").
Flag(&fid, "id", command.StringFlag(""),
"App ID, leave empty to disable security context app_id").
Flag(&aid, "a", command.IntFlag(0),
"Fortify application ID").
Flag(nil, "g", &groups,
"Groups inherited by the app process").
Flag(&homeDir, "d", command.StringFlag("os"),
"Application home directory").
Flag(&userName, "u", command.StringFlag("chronos"),
"Passwd name within sandbox").
Flag(&enablements[system.EWayland], "wayland", command.BoolFlag(false),
"Allow Wayland connections").
Flag(&enablements[system.EX11], "X", command.BoolFlag(false),
"Share X11 socket and allow connection").
Flag(&enablements[system.EDBus], "dbus", command.BoolFlag(false),
"Proxy D-Bus connection").
Flag(&enablements[system.EPulse], "pulse", command.BoolFlag(false),
"Share PulseAudio socket and cookie")
var showFlagShort bool
c.NewCommand("show", "Show the contents of an app configuration", func(args []string) error {
switch len(args) {
case 0: // system
printShowSystem(os.Stdout, showFlagShort, flagJSON)
case 1: // instance
name := args[0]
config, instance := tryShort(name)
if config == nil {
config = tryPath(name)
printShowInstance(os.Stdout, time.Now().UTC(), instance, config, showFlagShort, flagJSON)
log.Fatal("show requires 1 argument")
return errSuccess
}).Flag(&showFlagShort, "short", command.BoolFlag(false), "Omit filesystem information")
var psFlagShort bool
c.NewCommand("ps", "List active apps and their state", func(args []string) error {
printPs(os.Stdout, time.Now().UTC(), state.NewMulti(std.Paths().RunDirPath), psFlagShort, flagJSON)
return errSuccess
}).Flag(&psFlagShort, "short", command.BoolFlag(false), "Print instance id")
c.Command("version", "Show fortify version", func(args []string) error {
if v, ok := internal.Check(internal.Version); ok {
} else {
return errSuccess
c.Command("license", "Show full license text", func(args []string) error {
return errSuccess
c.Command("template", "Produce a config template", func(args []string) error {
printJSON(os.Stdout, false, fst.Template())
return errSuccess
c.Command("help", "Show this help message", func([]string) error {
return errSuccess
// internal commands
c.Command("shim", command.UsageInternal, func([]string) error { shim.Main(); return errSuccess })
c.Command("init", command.UsageInternal, func([]string) error { init0.Main(); return errSuccess })
return c
func runApp(a fst.App, config *fst.Config) {
rs := new(fst.RunState)
ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(),
syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
defer stop() // unreachable
if fmsg.Load() {
seccomp.CPrintln = log.Println
if sa, err := a.Seal(config); err != nil {
fmsg.PrintBaseError(err, "cannot seal app:")
} else if err = sa.Run(ctx, rs); err != nil {
if rs.Time == nil {
fmsg.PrintBaseError(err, "cannot start app:")
} else {
if rs.ExitCode == 0 {
rs.ExitCode = 126
if rs.RevertErr != nil {
fmsg.PrintBaseError(rs.RevertErr, "generic error returned during cleanup:")
if rs.ExitCode == 0 {
rs.ExitCode = 128
if rs.WaitErr != nil {
log.Println("inner wait failed:", rs.WaitErr)